15 Landlords Who Probably Make Your Crappy Landlord Look Like A Saint

1.This landlord who left a cute little relic for their tenant:

2.This landlord who glossed over most of their tenant's text message:

3.This landlord who had to be "radicalized" into fixing a broken sink:

4.This landlord who has some nerve telling his tenants that he's "taking off work" for Labor Day:

5.This landlord who banned their tenant from cooking food with flavor:

6.And this landlord who told their tenant not to cook at all:

7.This landlord who tried to charge their tenant a grand for moving out 20 minutes late:

8.This landlord who refused to tell their tenants their name:

9.And this landlord who used a random person's home for business:

10.This landlord who built a breeding ground for mold, then tried to gaslight their tenant about it:

11.This landlord who gave their tenant a stained mattress, then tried to charge them for it after the lease was up:

12.This landlord who felt the need to brag about spending a tenant's rent money:

13.This landlord who funneled their tenants' money directly into their adult son's bank account:

14.This landlord who made their tenant suffer through blistering summers because they didn't like the look of an AC unit:

15.And this landlord who apparently didn't understand how a 20-year-old washing machine could break:

Do you have any preposterous landlord stories? Tell us in the comments below for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!