My Guilty Pleasure Is Learning Random Facts About The World, And These 15 Hit The Spot

1.Coca-Cola cannot be bought or sold in North Korea.

Cuba was once a part of the list of countries that can't sell the soda, but thanks to Mexico, you can buy Coke in select cities in Cuba. Despite selling it, Cuba still can't manufacture the product.

Cuba was once a part of the list of countries that can't sell the soda, but thanks to Mexico, you can buy Coke in select cities in Cuba. Despite selling it, Cuba still can't manufacture the product.

Daniel Mazilu / Getty Images/500px Prime

2.A game of golf was once played on the moon.

  Jose A. Bernat Bacete / Getty Images
Jose A. Bernat Bacete / Getty Images

3.Lady Gaga once spent $50K on a ghost detector.

  Matt Winkelmeyer / WireImage,
Matt Winkelmeyer / WireImage,

4.Woodpeckers wrap their tongues around their brain to protect them during their high-speed pecks.

  Veena Nair / Getty Images
Veena Nair / Getty Images

5.Vending machines kill more people per year than sharks.

  Simona Pilolla / Getty Images/EyeEm
Simona Pilolla / Getty Images/EyeEm

6.Early in his career, Sylvester Stallone was so low on cash, he was forced to sell his dog, Butkus, for $40. When he landed Rocky, he bought the dog back for $15K and gave him a role in the movie.

  United Artists / Getty Images
United Artists / Getty Images

7.Human bodies contain small traces of gold. / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8.Male giraffes headbutt females in their bladder until they urinate. The male then tastes her pee to see if she's ovulating.

  Martin Harvey / Getty Images
Martin Harvey / Getty Images

9.Former One Directioner Liam Payne has a severe phobia of dirty spoons.

  David M. Benett / Dave Benett / Getty Images for Frieze
David M. Benett / Dave Benett / Getty Images for Frieze

10.Sonic the Hedgehog's middle name is Maurice.

It's also been rumored that his first name is Ogilvie, but it hasn't been proven.

It's also been rumored that his first name is Ogilvie, but it hasn't been proven.

Albert L. Ortega / WireImage / Getty Images

11.In Singapore, anyone caught chewing, importing, or selling gum could face a fine or jail time.

  Stephen Lovekin / WireImage / Getty Images
Stephen Lovekin / WireImage / Getty Images

12.Winnie the Pooh was banned from a Polish playground because he doesn't wear pants.

  Peter Bischoff / Getty Images
Peter Bischoff / Getty Images

13.Until 2015 in the UK, the coloring in red skittles contained carmine, which derives from the crushed abdomen of female beetles.

  Otto Greule Jr / Getty Images
Otto Greule Jr / Getty Images

14.Jon Hamm was Ellie Kemper's high school drama teacher.

  Michael Caulfield / WireImage / Getty Images
Michael Caulfield / WireImage / Getty Images

15.Lastly, crows can hold grudges due to their ability to remember human faces, especially those who treated them badly.

This fact also pertains to ravens, jays, and magpies.

This fact also pertains to ravens, jays, and magpies.

Stephan Gehrlein / Getty Images/500px