15 People Who I'm Willing To Bet Had Wished They'd Gotten Home Inspections Before Move-In Day

1. Whoever is living with this deeply ominous wall:

2. The landlord of this building who, to be fair, DEFINITELY wasn't equipped for a snowstorm in Dallas:

3. This person who won't be able to drop a doink any time soon, sadly:

4. This homeowner who probably would've appreciated a heads-up regarding their upstairs neighbor:

5. This person who didn't get their floors checked and ended up falling down a literal well in their house. A WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. This homeowner who was tricked, hoodwinked, and BAMBOOZLED by a coupla faulty power outlets:

7. These poor, poor folks who opted for a charming, older house and found THIS!!!!!!!!!

8. This homeowner whose first winter in their new house didn't go *QUITE* as planned:

9. This renter who maybe didn't consider the implications of some foul weather:

10. This person who simply went downstairs to do some laundry and stumbled into this mayhem:

11. Whoever's apartment got sooooo hot that THIS HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

12. Whoever fell through their ceiling...not like it's a big deal or anything!!!

13. This unfortunate soul who's been left to fend for themselves with nothing but a bucket:

14. This unsuspecting person whose sink absolutely gave up:

15. And lastly, this inspector who *DID* come in to help, but got the short end of the stick 😕:

H/T: r/Wellthatsucks