15 Pet-Friendly Houseplants That Add Green Without the Worry

While houseplants have the ability to bring life to a room and purify the air while doing it, a drawback is that many houseplants are toxic to animals and children. We're here to show you a number of plants that add beauty to your home without worry.

Pet-Safe Houseplants

Keep in mind that while there are a number of plants that are technically safe for cats and dogs, it's best to eliminate temptation and place all houseplants out of reach. It will save you from cleaning up a mess, plus prevent possible tummy aches and digestive problems in your pets. If your pet ever does ingest a plant, make sure to watch it closely for any signs of a negative reaction. Just because a plant is nontoxic for cats and dogs doesn't mean ingesting it will make them feel good!

Want pet-safe houseplants with blooms? Look no further than African violet. This versatile, hardworking houseplant is right at home with your pets. It comes in a range of purple hues, and it's low maintenance and thrives without bright light.

Tillandsia varieties are modern, cool, and best of all, houseplants not toxic to pets. But beware: Cats and dogs alike will love chewing on their spindly leaves—make sure you keep them out of reach.

The variegated gray-and-green leaves of aluminum plant make it an attractive option for the home. It's one of many great easy-care houseplants safe for pets.

Unlike its dangerous holiday counterpart amaryllis, Christmas cacti are thankfully not poisonous houseplants for pets like cats and dogs. It may cause intestinal discomfort if ingested, but overall it's a safer choice than many other festive plants.

Identifying ferns can be a bit tricky, as there are several plants with the word "fern" in their name that are not actually part of the Pteridophyta family. True ferns such as Boston and maidenhair are fair game for pet-friendly households; beware of toxic misnomers such as asparagus fern, which is actually part of the lily family.

The friendship plant is named for the ease with which it can be divided and shared—so if you happen to receive such a gift, rest assured it's safe for your cats and dogs. But beware, pets may be especially drawn to the fuzzy, crinkly leaves.

Indoor herb gardens are an easy, fun way to add fresh flavor to your cooking. But not all herbs are created equal when it comes to pet safety. Standards like lavender and oregano are off-limits, but pets can handle basil, sage, and thyme.

Pretty lace flower vine is an easy houseplant safe for pets that grows best in hanging baskets, out of reach of curious cats and dogs. But should an extra-persistent pet make their way into the pot, they'll be safe.

This quirky plant with blooms that resemble tubes of lipstick is happily safe for cats and dogs alike. A native of the tropics, it thrives in bright light and loves being outside in the warmer months. Other members of the Peperomia family are also pet-friendly.

Parlor palm is the perfect solution for pet owners looking to add a small tree indoors. Safe for cats and dogs, it's also great for beginners.

The ever-common phalaenopsis orchid (the one you're most likely to see in the floral shop) isn't harmful to pets. But one thing to watch for: Dogs and cats who love to chew may get into trouble in the potting mix, which contains a large amount of bark.

Polka dot plant is perfect for adding a fun splash of pattern to miniature gardens, terrariums, mixed containers, and more. Available in an array of colors such as white and pink, it's as versatile as it is whimsical.

Prayer plant, topping out at 6-8 inches, is ideal for small spaces such as bookshelves and end tables. Its red, cream and green leaves curl up at night, giving it its name. What's more, it's one of the easiest houseplants you can grow.

This indoor gardening classic is a staple for many reasons, not to mention it's a cat- and dog-friendly plant. A fan of both pots and hanging baskets, happy-go-lucky spider plant will thrive anywhere indoors.

Related: Propagating Spider Plants From Cuttings

Many of the most popular succulents—including hens and chicks, echeveria, and rosettes—aren't problematic, but with so many varieties on the market, it's best to research each individual plant. Jade, for example, while similar to other succulents, is actually dangerous.