15 Park Bench Plaques That Are Either A) Heartwarming, B) Hilarious, Or C) A Little Bit Of Both

1.First up, we have this husband's lovely dedication to his wife:

2.Then we have this one for Bruce, who sounded like a 10/10 guy:

3. Cardi Bench™, of course:

4. This Classic™:


6. This dedication that's honestly a heroic act of self-love, if you ask me! 😌

7. So this isn't quiiiiite a park bench dedication, but it was still a dedication in a park, and it feels important...so:

8.This couples dedication that exudes big "If he wanted to, he would" energy 💕:

9. This plaque that I simply have to respect!

10. This plaque for Edward Stuart Morrison, who was clearly not a fan of sugarcoating things:

11. These plaques that proved this city has no sense of humor!!!!!!!!!!!

12. We love a little park bench dialogue!!!

13. This plaque honoring Cleo, the honorable shop cat!!!

14. This iconic lyric (and mantra) for a good ol' meditative bench sit:

15.And lastly, FOR 😭 BARNEY!!!!!!!! 😭