15 Gifts For The Homebody In Your Life

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

1.A plushy check pillow they can snuggle up with while they watch their favorite comfort movie for the zillionth time and will look rad as heck on their couch.

white and tan plushy checkered throw pillow
white and tan plushy checkered throw pillow

2.A jar of lavender-scented mineral bath salts so at the end of a long day out in the world they can sink into a sumptuous and relaxing bath to unwind. Nothing like a good soak.

blue glass jar of bath salts
blue glass jar of bath salts

3.A silky eye mask so they can get a great night's rest — their greatest passion. Its slippy texture will also be kind to their skin and hair, so there aren't any trade-offs for achieving the ultimate shut-eye.

model wearing the green eye mask
model wearing the green eye mask

4.An entryway rack to keep their shoes, bags, and everyday items neat and tidy without much effort — especially essential if they live in a smaller space.

rounded three-tier navy entryway rack
rounded three-tier navy entryway rack

5.An ash wall clock that's both practical and beautiful — just what anyone is looking for when it comes to new home decor. Telling the time the old-fashioned way has its merits!

ash and painted white steel round wall clock
ash and painted white steel round wall clock

6.A fresh coffee-scented candle to make their house smell *chef's kiss*. Coffee and candles are two of the most beloved things in the modern world. Combined? I can't imagine something they'd be happier to open.

model holding a fresh coffee scented candle in an amber jar
model holding a fresh coffee scented candle in an amber jar

7.A Beast blender whose corrugated blender cup is simply one of the most beautiful small appliance designs I've ever seen. While normally they'd be searching for a storage solution for a single-serve blender, they might want to keep this one out like a trophy.

white slim single-serve blender with a textured glass blender cup
white slim single-serve blender with a textured glass blender cup

8.A colorful puzzle because who doesn't love wiling away the hours solving a pretty puzzle? Especially over the winter holiday with nothing else to do but hang, chat, and puzzle.

illustrated sun puzzle and its tube container
illustrated sun puzzle and its tube container

9.Steel massage globes so they can give their face a nice cooling massage any time it feels weary. You're basically giving them the gift of a fancy-schmancy facial from the comfort of their apartment.

silver facial globes in a bowl of ice
silver facial globes in a bowl of ice

10.An electric gooseneck kettle for the giftee who's looking to dial-in their pour-over game and skip going to the crowded coffee shop. This one features to-the-degree temperature control, can hold the temp for a full hour, and comes in 11 stunning colors.

model holding a white gooseneck kettle above its stand
model holding a white gooseneck kettle above its stand

11.A pyramid-shaped incense holder so they finally have *just* the place to burn their incense that conveniently doubles as a cool lil' piece of decor.

clear grey step pyramid shaped incense holder
clear grey step pyramid shaped incense holder

12.A bar of cleansing soap they can use to wash their face or body — fennel and cardamom chai scented, this green clay bar helps pull toxins from pores while shea butter hydrates their skin.

handing holding the soap bar
handing holding the soap bar

13.An aromatherapy balm they can apply to their wrists, neck, and temples to help them naturally relax. This calming blend of lavender, chamomile, palmarosa, and ho wood is perfect for de-stressing at bedtime and beyond.

model applying aromatherapy balm from a tube
model applying aromatherapy balm from a tube

14.A stunningly colorful wall planner, aka the perfect fit for anyone who wants their useful items to double as decor. Sleek design + bright solid colors = an irresistibly unique present.

a wall planner made up of 12 solid colored month calendar posters
a wall planner made up of 12 solid colored month calendar posters

15.A rose garden bath bomb whose scent is complemented by notes of violet and gardenia — a veritable bouquet!

the rose bath bomb wrapped in white paper
the rose bath bomb wrapped in white paper

The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.