15 Bold Beauty Looks on Makeup-Minimalist Celebrities

Not every celebrity is like Kim Kardashian. And before you roll your eyes and shout "Duh!" at us through the screen, allow us to clarify: Not every celebrity wears a full face of foundation, and contouring, and false lashes,, and several layers of lip gloss on the regular. (And to those who do, that's totally OK — everyone should do what makes them feel most confident and beautiful.) But there is also something to be said for switching things up — going big and doing the most one day, and then keeping it extremely chill the next. These 15 stars are known for the subtle, subdued no-makeup makeup looks (Jennifer Aniston, we're looking at you), but we tracked down rare photos of what they look like when they do decide to go bold with their looks, and as expected, they look awesome either way. Here's your chance to get inspired, whether you're feeling yourself completely natural, or feeling completely extra.