15 Black ASMRtists That All ASMR Fans Should Be Following

Diversity is key in all walks of life — why should ASMR be any different?

Fuse / giphy.com

The community of internet creators who help us sleep tends to be overwhelmingly white. Let's fix that!

Here's a list of the 15 best Black ASMRtists from the depths of YouTube.

1.Batala's ASMR

Screenshot of a YoutTube video from Batala's ASMR channel. Her hands are caressing the camera

2.ASMR Sharm

Screenshot from ASMR Sharm's make-up application video on YouTube. Foundation wand being stippled on the screen

3.ASMR Jay

Footlocker role-play on ASMR Jay's YouTube channel. He is wearing a stripped shirt and showing a bright yellow Nike sneaker

4.Mellow Nique ASMR

Role Play in Africa from Mellow Nique ASMR on YouTube. She is dressed in vibrant clothing


Fast tapping video from Darker4Serenity

6.Annura's ASMR

Mic brushing video from Annura's ASMR channel. Her hand is extended towards the camera


Ear check-up video by LatreceASMR. She is putting on gloves

8.Trigger the Tingles

Scalop scratch and massage video from Trigger the Tingles. She is standing behind a woman and massaging her scalp


ASMR Roleplay from WildheartASMR. She is pointing at the screen

10.Low Growl ASMR

Low Growl ASMR positive affirmations video. He is in front of a black background wearing a red shirt

11.Trigger Happy ASMR

Trigger Happy's finger fluttering video


ASMRTheChew pickle eating video. She is in her bedroom showing one pickle from a big jar of pickles

13.Chynaunique ASMR

Chynaunique ASMR applying clear lip gloss on her lips

14.Sung Mook

Sung Mook doing make-up with weird objects She is holding a pink fuzzy tool and doing make up with it

15.Mia ASMR

Mia ASMR lo-fi whisper video. She is cupping her mouth and whispering into a mic

16.Triniti J ASMR

Triniti J ASMR personal attention video. She is pointing at the camera with an orange pen/brush as she lies on the couch

Who are your favorite ASMRtists?

Make sure to head right here for more of BuzzFeed's Black History Month coverage.

BUzzFeed graphic for Black History Month
Kathy Hoang