15 Big-Batch Soups to Freeze and Eat All Winter

Photos: Courtesy.

As soon as the temperature really starts to drop, soups and stews are all I want to eat. They're delicious, filling, and generally easy to make. Most importantly, though, they're piping hot and oh-so cozy—a requirement for all of my food when it's below zero outside.

Since my meal prep plan during the warmer months consists of a lot of salad and grain bowl prepping, I have to make some slight adjustments come winter. Instead of whisking up vinaigrettes and tossing together bowls of greens like I might in June, I start cooking giant batches of soup (usually in a slow-cooker) to freeze and eat later.

It's great, because most soups are designed to feed a village—cook one recipe and you've got eight meals prepped and ready to go. And unlike other meal prep favorites, soup stays good in the freezer for months, so you don't have to worry about your leftovers going bad anytime soon. (Noodle soups are one exception, because they can get soggy and overcooked if frozen and defrosted.) When you come home on a weeknight and want something warm, all you have to do is defrost a serving in the microwave or in a pot in the stove. Just like that, a soup that would normally take hours to make is ready in a few minutes!

These 15 big-batch soup recipes all freeze well and are perfect for adding to your meal plan. Make a few at once and enjoy quick, cozy leftovers all winter long.

This story originally appeared on Self.

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