15 best foods for healthy, glowing skin

Foods for good skin
Foods for good skin

Adriana Urbina is an In The Know cooking contributor. Follow her on Instagram and visit her website for more.

Our diet plays a huge role in the overall health of our skin. Keep reading for 15 common foods that can contribute to healthier, glowing skin — and check out a quick and easy smoothie recipe at the bottom of the page containing some of these skin-enriching ingredients!


Water keeps your body hydrated and refreshed and helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. People who drink large amounts of water are less likely to have scars, wrinkles and soft lines and won’t show as many signs of aging as those who don’t.


Tomatoes are fantastic to use in homemade face masks if you want to revive the glow in dull skin. They’re also a helpful remedy for sunburn. Add them to juices or salads.

Oranges or any citrus

Abundant in vitamin C, oranges help to clear the skin of any unwanted marks, making your skin healthy. Besides protecting our skin from any harmful damage and sunburn, a regular intake of oranges may also delay the onset of fine lines and wrinkles.


A bowl of mixed berries is a great snack, as they’re full of antioxidants that are crucial for the health of your skin. From strawberries to blueberries and raspberries, they all help to retain your skin texture and keep your skin tight.


Rich in antioxidants, beetroot helps to replenish dead skin cells.


Packed with beta carotene, which helps prevent cell degeneration and gives your skin a radiant glow, carrots also have a large amount of vitamin C.


Packed with vitamin C, lemons are an amazing food to add to your diet for that natural glow. The natural acids of lemon gently remove dead skin cells.


With lactic acid, zinc and B vitamins and antioxidants, yogurt is a powerful tool to treat skin problems.


Rich in omega-3 fats, flaxseed helps fight inflammation and helps your skin retain moisture to stay hydrated. Add it to your bowl of cereal or smoothie in the morning.


Known for numerous benefits such as increasing hemoglobin, pomegranate also helps to fight signs of aging in your skin and treats sun-exposed skin damage. Have it as is, or make it into a juice!


One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids that help in keeping the skin moisturized and supple, salmon contains a mineral called selenium that helps to protect the skin from sun damage. Bake, grill or steam it for a nutritious meal.


Loaded with minerals and vitamins, spinach helps minimize the blemishes on our skin. The antioxidants in spinach will help you achieve flawless skin by fighting early signs of aging.


A mix of all things healthy, pumpkin is rich in antioxidants, vitamins (A and C), minerals and zinc, which is vital to the creation of new skin cells. It also helps regulate oil production, improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of open pores. Simply eat a handful of pumpkin seeds in the morning to brighten your skin!


Broccoli contains pantothenic acid, which can work wonders for skin health. It has beta-carotene and sulfur compounds, which help improve skin, and is rich in vitamin C, which helps to repair damaged tissue. Add broccoli to your salads or steam it with a pinch of salt for a delicious addition to your dinner.


Walnuts are a good source of essential fats, zinc, vitamin E, selenium and protein, making them a perfect addition to your diet to promote skin health. Adding walnuts to your diet isn’t tough, either — eat a handful of them as a snack or with your breakfast!

Detox Juice for Skin Health 

Credit: Adriana Urbina
Credit: Adriana Urbina

This juice is an impressive source of nutrients and contains coriander and parsley, known to help purify our skin, organs and blood.


  • 3 stalks of celery

  • 1 cucumber

  • 1 bunch of parsley

  • 1 bunch of coriander

  • 1 green apple

  • 1/2 fennel

  • 1 lemon without peel


1. Pass all the ingredients through an extractor or put them into a blender, blend and then strain. 
2. Serve in a glass and enjoy!

If you enjoyed this story, check out these three salad dressings you can make in under five minutes!

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