These 15 Bedroom Plants Deliver Some Stylish Shut-Eye

portrait white frame mockup on retro wooden bedside table modern white ceramic vase, dry grass cup of coffee and books in bed beige linen pillows in bedroom scandinavian interior
The 15 Best Plants for Your BedroomKseniya Ovchinnikova - Getty Images

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The place where you lay your head down at night should evoke rest and relaxation. Beyond having the perfect mattress and sheets, houseplants also have the power to create a tranquil bedroom. In fact, there are endless benefits to including houseplants in the design of your space. In fact, a 2015 study suggests indoor plants may reduce stress and prevent mental fatigue. Hospitals even include indoor gardens and other biophilic design techniques to help patients recover.

Before you embark on creating your very own private indoor jungle, be realistic and purchase a group of plants you can maintain. Don’t forget that different types of plants can heighten your bedroom’s aesthetic, so make sure to select a plant that aligns with your style, whether you go minimal and leafy or maximalist and blooming. To get you started, we’ve shopped the internet for the best plants for your bedroom, whether you’re looking for a specimen that thrives in low light, heightens your senses, or simply looks cool. No matter what you choose, these bedroom plants are bound to turn your suite into an oasis.

Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

First up, the beloved snake plant. It has a striking shape and pattern that can make a statement in any bedroom. The best part? Even those with absolutely no gardening experience can keep it alive for years and years. To make things even easier, thanks to Easyplant's self-watering planter, you will only have to add water to the pot once every two months.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)</p><p></p><p>$79.00</p><span class="copyright">Easyplant</span>

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

It's time to literally grow your inner zen with The Sill's Lavender kit. This gift box includes a grow kit, a mindfulness timer, and an all-natural essential oil roller. The smell of lavender alone is calming and promotes anti-stress and relaxation. What more could you want in a bedroom plant?

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)</p><p></p><p>$44.00</p><span class="copyright">The Sill</span>

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)

On the hunt for a blooming, fragrant plant? Look no further than the elegant Gardenia which is easy to care for and only requires partial sunlight throughout the day. It is an effortless way to add visual appeal to a nightstand, dresser, or desk that is by a window.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)</p><p></p><p>$43.98</p><span class="copyright">Walmart</span>

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

The English Ivy was part of a NASA air purification study which concluded that—in outer space anyway— the plant can successfully trap toxins in the air. Plus, it is fast-growing and the lengthy vines can add drama to your space.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>English Ivy (Hedera helix)</p><p></p><p>$44.95</p><span class="copyright">Williams Sonoma</span>

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily—also part of that NASA study—releases large quantities of oxygen throughout the day which may improve sleep. And don’t worry—this beauty’s easy to maintain and does not require much sunlight.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)</p><p></p><p>$41.99</p><span class="copyright">Amazon</span>

Rosemary (Rosmarinus)

There is a spot for the Rosemary herb beyond the kitchen. Thanks to its clean, fresh scent, it is a refreshing choice that will make any bedroom feel more inviting. Just make sure to put it by a window as the plant needs plenty of sunlight to thrive.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Rosemary (Rosmarinus)</p><p></p><p>$18.93</p><span class="copyright">Laurie Black</span>

Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)

The Monstera is a crowd-favorite because of how well it grows (it can grow up to 10 feet tall indoors, in fact!). It does best in indirect bright light, so yes, it can be the missing corner piece your bedroom needs.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)</p><p></p><p>$44.06</p><span class="copyright">Wayfair</span>

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Achieve a calming environment with the Pothos. Not only does the plant have air-purifying qualities like others on this list, the growing vines have an organic feel that is sure to make you feel at peace. Hang it up by a window on a curtain rod or place it on a nightstand in indirect sunlight, and watch the vines grow.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)</p><p></p><p>$22.33</p><span class="copyright">Amazon</span>

Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis)

If you want something that stands out, get a Moth Orchid. The biggest thing to know is that the plant only needs light watering throughout the week and be careful not to wet the leaves. It is a visually appealing flower to keep and it also releases oxygen, which may contribute to better sleep—in addition to some spa-like vibes.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis)</p><p></p><p>$34.98</p><span class="copyright">Lowe's</span>

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The ZZ Plant is a must on our list that is known to lower stress levels and improve your mood. It is also a breeze to care for as it only needs to be watered once a week. This version already comes in a lovely planter, allowing you to set it on your nightstand as soon as you open the box.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)</p><p></p><p>$24.87</p><span class="copyright">Amazon</span>

Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

As a symbol of wealth and abundance in Feng Shui, who wouldn't want the Money Tree in their home? The plant grows easily and you will love its unique, braided trunk. Moreover, it is pet-friendly and if it does not arrive in healthy condition, take a photo and send it to The Sill within 30 days and you will receive a replacement for free.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)</p><p></p><p>$68.00</p><span class="copyright">The Sill</span>

Arrowhead White Butterfly (Syngonium podophyllum)

The leaves of this lovely specimen contain a variety of green hues that make it stand out from the rest of the plant pack. It is a fun twist to add to your bedroom and, depending on how much sun it gets, you will only have to water it once every one to two weeks.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Arrowhead White Butterfly (Syngonium podophyllum)</p><p></p><p>$68.00</p><span class="copyright">The Sill</span>

Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

The Parlor Palm is perfect for those with a shady bedroom as it can adapt to lower-light conditions. Therefore, you do not have to stress about maintenance, and if you want a larger element in your sleeping space, know that it can grow up to six feet tall. As a bonus, The Sill is offering the plant at nearly half off with a free planter.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)</p><p></p><p>$38.00</p><span class="copyright">The Sill</span>

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema modestum)

The Chinese Evergreen is another low-light plant option for darker bedrooms. It is no surprise that this baby is also a natural air purifier, but what we love most about it is its contrasting colors. Take a closer look and you will see that the plant's dark green leaves are lined with pink edges. Overall, you can not go wrong with this pop of color.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema modestum)</p><p></p><p>$25.86</p><span class="copyright">Amazon</span>

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

Last, but certainly not least, is none other than the Aloe Vera. It has an unusual shape that will bring a whimsical touch to your bedroom. When it comes to care and maintenance, it does not need much watering and you will be glad to know that it promotes excellent slumber as it releases oxygen overnight.

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)</p><p></p><p>$29.00</p><span class="copyright">West Elm</span>

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