14 Screenshots Of Toxic Stepparents Who Even Cinderella Wouldn't Want As Her Evil Stepmom

1.This stepdad who threatened to lock their 16-year-old stepchild in their room to stop them from seeing their boyfriend:

  u/Sklts / Via reddit.com

2.This stepdad who texted this to his stepchild after seeing them crying during a breakdown:

The text says the child should be asking themselves if they're making it difficult for people to love them

3.This stepmom who got pissed that their stepchild went out after only getting permission from their dad:

Stepmom sends profanity-laced admonishing their child for not asking permission to leave the house, the child says they asked their dad, and the stepmom says "you didn't ask me though"
The child says they're already out so won't be coming back home, and the stepmother says "I swear to fucking god if you don't come home now"
The child apologizes for hanging up, then the stepmom tells them as soon as they get home, they're to leave their phone, laptop, and tablet on the stepmom's dresser and says the child is lucky she doesn't slap them

4.This stepmom who grounded their stepchild for not running 3.5 miles:

The child shares the details of their run, and the stepmom admonishes them for not running the 3.5 miles they agreed to; the child ran 3.4 miles

5.This stepmom who told their stepchild they had to cover up their body in their own home because men were there.

  u/shrimpcolor / Via reddit.com

6.This stepmom who accused their stepchild of stealing their food:

The stepparent accuses their child of stealing food, and the child simply says they packed their own lunch
The stepparent continues, saying "how convenient it must be to always manipulate things to get your way"

7.This stepmom who flipped out when their stepchild asked them not to open their mail:

The child says "please do not open my mail," the stepmom says "touchy much," claims the child is making demands, and tells the child to say please, even though the child did

8.This stepdad who threatened their stepchild for not being home right after school, despite it being a 30-minute walk:

The stepdad's text says "if you don't call within 5 minutes, you will be reported as a runaway"

9.This stepmom who texted from their youngest child's phone to ask their stepchild for money:

The text from younger child's phone asks the older child to pay for the younger's field trip because "mommy and daddy don't have the money right now"

10.This stepmom who threatened to lock their stepchild out of the house if they didn't complete their chores:

The stepmom says they'll deactivate the child's code to get in the house if they don't finish their chores

11.This stepmom who hated their stepchild's tattoo:

The text says that the child's tattoo is causing marital distress, and "I hope it gives you joy because I find it inappropriate"

12.This stepdad who wouldn't pick up their 15-year-old stepchild after they got a flat tire on their bike:

The child asks to be picked up because it's dark out and they are creeped out, and the stepparent simply says "push it home"

13.This stepdad who wouldn't let their 12-year-old eat until they cleaned their room:

The stepparent says their child can't eat until they clean their room, the response says the child hasn't eaten anything for a long time and is stressed, and the stepparent says "I do not care, room first"

14.And lastly, this stepdad who flipped out on their stepchild because they didn't get him water because they'd be late to school:

The stepparent says they're confiscating the child's TV and computer while they're at school, and if they act out in any way, they're going to take their door next