People Are Sharing How They Got Petty Revenge On Entitled, Awful People, And It's Delicious

Recently, we asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their stories of petty revenge — when they took revenge on people who wronged them but did it in the pettiest way possible. Here are some of their stories, plus a select few from around the internet:

1.This is brilliant, but I feel bad for the people who shared the other wall:

"In Atlantic City, we were woken at 4 a.m. by a next door neighbor — a loud and belligerent bachelorette party. Despite calling down twice and going over there to ask them to keep it down (they ignored the knock and giggled shushing each other), we figured we were up so might as well head home.

We left behind a 7:30 a.m. alarm set up on maximum volume."


2.Always keep a bottle of super glue handy:

"My ex was lying to me, cheating on me with his roommate's girlfriend, who he said he couldn’t stand. He liked to go out and drink, so one night I drove to the bar I knew he was at with her and put Loctite on all his car doors so he wouldn’t be able to get in. Then I went to his house and put Loctite in all his locks, front door and back door. Waited another month, still had a key to his house, so I put itching powder in his bed, Nair in his shampoo, and had a box of live bees delivered to his house. He never knew who did it, but every time I saw him out I chuckled."


3.Sometimes pettiness breeds innovation:

4.Ah, the ol' toilet toothbrush:

"After 17 years of marriage to a narcissistic cheater I moved out of my home because he wouldn’t. I knew he was out of town and I had miscellaneous paperwork I needed to get from file cabinets. He left some significant skid marks in the toilet that couldn’t be missed, so I took it upon myself to clean up his crap just one more time... but with his toothbrush! I made sure to do a good job and scrub under the rim and remove all the skids, and politely put the toothbrush back where I found it!"


5.*Takes notes for the next time I want to harmlessly ruin someone's year*:

"I had an AWFUL roommate for a few months — she was very privileged, her mom completely spoiled her and encouraged her to act like an entitled brat, a Karen in training (being rude to waiters, leaving messes all over and expecting others to clean it up, leaving my food out on the counter to fit her Jello shots in the fridge, etc.). The final straw for me was when she was 'sick with the flu' and needed me to drive through a blizzard to pick up her meds... only for me to come home and find out she was throwing a party for her coked-out friends. I flipped out, she moved out, but it wasn’t enough. So I used her forwarding address and signed her up as 'interested' with every religious group I could find. Within two weeks, she was furiously posting on Facebook after the stream of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormon missionaries at her door, the dozens of Bibles, Qurans, Scientology packets, and cult mailers in her mailbox, and the weekly free samples of adult diapers. The missionaries and Scientologists apparently kept showing up for over a year — and she never knew it was me."


6.Sometimes, revenge can be as simple as a very important shirt:

"My ex and I spent a lot of time traveling and living abroad. We are both from the Pacific Northwest, so one of our favorite things to do was to hike. My ex was obsessed with climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. He proposed to me on top of the mountain. We eventually married and sadly divorced. My ex was an abusive man and set out to destroy me financially. When I was packing my stuff to move to my new place, I found the t-shirt that he got when we climbed Kilimanjaro (you can only get this honorary shirt if you successfully climb the mountain). The day we settled in court, I got screwed. I took his precious shirt and burned it on a campfire on the beach. I bet he is still looking for it, and destroying it was deeply satisfying."


7.Inconvenience is underrated:

"My ex used seam rippers to rip out the pocket seams in my sweatpants. When we met to exchange each others' stuff, my clothes were folded nicely and everything was there. A few days later I put a pair on, put my cellphone in my pocket and *crash*, it fell fight down to the floor. Didn't think anything of it. I put my phone in my other pocket, *crash*, down to the floor. I looked in all my pants that she gave back and they were all ripped. Not enough that they couldn't be fixed. But enough to annoy the shit out of me. I knew she was just getting a huge kick out of it."


8.I can only imagine what this guy's phone looked like at the end of the day:

"My BF of four years suddenly started acting strange and I discovered he was cheating with multiple people. I posted an ad on Craigslist [using his phone number], saying I was a writer and wanted to compile random sentences into a book. I asked people to just text a random or weird sentence. I’ll never know what the sentences people texted him were but I imagine it was hilarious. Made better by the fact it was April Fools Day."


9.Eat your heart out, Emily in Paris:

"When I was in college, my then-boyfriend cheated on me with a girl who was in the same student organization as us. He vehemently denied having any relationship with her (and stupid me had believed that) up until our apartment lease had ended. He then dumped me and started officially dating her. I learned that everyone around us knew that they were having an affair and it had absolutely broken me.

A few months later, I found out that my ex and his new girlfriend were going to Paris for a few days for a student exchange. It was a party of eight people. I contacted people in Paris and was allowed to secretly join this trip. My ex's face when I showed up at the airport was hilarious! His girlfriend was livid as she clearly expected this to be their romantic getaway or something.I had the time of my life in Paris! Meanwhile, my ex and his GF were sour for the entire week, had argued a lot (because of me) and generally had an awful time."


10.Bet his skin was glowing:

"I had a friend that caught her husband using her bank account to take other girls on dates. She broke up with him, but let him stay in her house (she owned it by herself when they got married) until he could figure out alternate living arrangements. Despite being broken up and him living in the basement, he would still go into her room to use all her expensive serums. She obviously told him multiple times to stop using them, but he didn’t listen. She was so mad that she LITERALLY mixed a small bit of her dog’s poop into the serum he constantly used, and laughed every night afterwards when he came in to do his night time skincare routine with her (now-poopified) serum."


11.A parting gift, how sweet:

"I lived in an up/down duplex. After I moved in, I learned that the downstairs neighbors had a hobby of purchasing new speaker systems and playing them as loudly as possible to see how loud and how long they could play before the speakers broke. No, I am not kidding. They openly admitted to this (I think they reviewed the speakers?) and even hosted parties to see which speaker system could get loudest. In the summer, my wife and I would have to spend 4 or 5 nights per week sleeping in the car. I tried to ask the neighbors to please turn it down at night, but that actually made things worse. They would just turn the music up and pretend they didn't hear me. So, we asked the landlord for help. He didn't care. The police also refused to help.

We supposedly had a shared basement but we could barely use it due to the amount of clutter they threw down there. There were times I could not get to my own washer and dryer because they had so much junk in the way. I later learned that they were too lazy to bring their clothes upstairs so they used the basement as a personal dressing room, which explained why they had clothes strewn everywhere.Anyway, we eventually moved out because we purchased a home, but I didn't tell my landlord that. I told him we were leaving due to a severe bug infestation. There actually were bugs in the basement... because I put them there. My neighbors pissed me off so much that I went to a feed store and purchased live worms for chicken feed in bulk. I put them in the (clean!) clothes they left in the basement; their socks, shoes, pockets, pants, EVERYTHING I could find. My landlord had to pay for an expensive exterminator and my gross neighbors had worms in their shoes, 10/10 would do again."


12.Week-old August beef? Yep, that'll do it:

"When a coworker’s cheating ex took his new GF on vacation, she went to his apartment and hid pieces of fish and beef throughout the place. It was the middle of August and as he was away, he didn’t have the air conditioning on. I can’t imagine how bad his place smelled when he returned a week later."


13.Congrats to the happy couple, both for the wedding and for this move:

"My spouse and I got married in 2017 and, as we are both very queer and trans, the wedding itself was very queer and trans. And it was fabulous! We had a wonderful time, as did our guests. My wedding party snuck away during the reception to paint the most incredible 'just married' sign on my car’s rear view window. Flash forward to my drive home, and some assholes right in front of me have a bumper sticker that says 'marriage = [male stick figure] + [female stick figure].' Obviously, I am having none of that. So I — normally a VERY safe defensive driver — accelerate ahead of them, then slow down to 15 miles below the speed limit so they have to A) go way slower than they want to, and B) see my 'just married' art plus my rainbow bumper stickers. Every time they switch lanes, so do I, and slow down every time. Eventually, they angrily peel off into a rest area to get away from me, and I laugh the entire rest of the way home."


14.And finally, you have to spend a little money for this one, but it's worth it when someone parks like an asshole:

The note reads: 

Some submissions may have been edited for length or clarity.