It's Summer, So Here Are 14 Photos That Will Remind Us That The Sun Always Wins

1.The sun melting an entire kayak on a car.

A melted kayak

2.The sun shining through this glass light globe that's intensifying it and burning a track in the grass.

Burnt grass

3.This sun demonstrating what will happen if you look at it through a telescope (yes, that's a stick that caught on fire).

A stick on fire near a telescope

4.The sun taking a jar of pickles and draining it of its color.

Colorless pickles

5.The sun giving this person a semi-permanent set of lace leggings even though they took them off.

Someone's bad sunburn on their legs

6.The sun unfortunately branding someone because they left a penny on their seat.

Burn of a penny on someone's leg

7.The sun giving this person enough force to burn wood art with a magnifying glass.

An artist using a magnifying glass to burn art on wood

8.The sun melting the logo of this truck.

A melted logo on a truck

9.The sun causing the temperature to rise so high that it pops all the tops off of the soda in this vending machine.

Destroyed cans in a vending machine

10.The sun passively cooking a chocolate chip cookie with some Arizona heat in someone's car.

A melted cookie on someone's dashboard

11.The sun EXPLODING someone's outdoor glass table just by chilling in the sky.

A shattered glass table

12.The sun melting this literal sun shade, a thing designed to be in front of the sun.

A melted sun shade

13.The sun reading this sign saying "stop" and replying, "No, bow down to my bleaching capabilities."

A bleached stop sign

14.Finally, the sun reminding everyone in the fashion community that if you're going to wear ripped denim in the summer, wear sunscreen.

Sunburn on someone's thighs