14 In-Laws Who Made Their Families Laugh And Go, "My In-Laws, Ladies And Gentlemen"

1. This mother-in-law, who forgot a key step in designing a photo blanket gift:

2. This brother-in-law, who wanted to relive old times:

3. This mother-in-law, who may have gotten passive-aggressive with the dessert:

4. This brother-in-law, who didn't realize what his family's Christmas stockings spelled out:

5. This mother-in-law, who mastered her kitchen decor:

6. These in-laws, whose bathroom set up looks like this:

7. This mother-in-law, whose salt and pepper shakers are a little questionable:

8. And these in-laws, whose holiday soap dispenser is even more questionable:

9.This father-in-law, who decided to label someone's dog's poop in his yard:

10. This mother-in-law, who got crafty for the family pet:

11.This mother-in-law, who brought a special straw on the family camping trip:

12. These in-laws, who picked the perfect piece of art for the kitchen:

13. This mother-in-law, who mistook a pencil sharpener for a coffee grinder:

14. And this mother-in-law, who made these for all the men in the family, and they will be treasured forever: