15 Funny New Year Memes Parents Can Relate To

Because New Year's Eve looks a little different when you have little ones.

New Year's Eve is a magical time when people across the nation watch the ball drop to ring in a new calendar year. But if you're a parent—particularly of little kids—this holiday probably isn't very exciting. Bedtime routines outweigh midnight celebrations, and you might be too exhausted to pop open a bottle of champagne. Don't worry, we can all relate. Check out these 15 hilarious memes that perfectly describe New Year's Eve celebrations with children.

Related:Should You Let Your Kids Stay Up on New Year's Eve?

1. The Struggle Is Real

If you've ever put in a full day of parenting with the hope of remaining awake until midnight, then this meme is for you. It takes sheer will power to fight off sleep that long once you have kids!

2. Because There's Nothing Wrong With a Little White Lie

This seasoned parent knows how it's done! If you have young kids who can't tell time, then you can trick them by setting the clocks ahead, then ringing in the new year a few hours early.

3. Things Look Different These Days

It's amazing how having kids can change priorities, especially during the holidays. If you've ever skipped past the bubbly and headed for the diapers, we see you!

4. But Why?!

Murphy's Law of Parenting states that no matter how late your child goes to bed, they will still wake up at the first sign of daylight. No. Matter. What. We don't make up the rules, but we absolutely can't help but laugh at this truth.

5. I Love Me Some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

No one said partying has to mean putting on pants and leaving the house. Grab that candy and indulge, you deserve it! Just don't wake the baby.

6. Cheers to the End of the 10 O'clock News

10:30 counts as midnight when you're surrounded by toys and sleeping kids, right?

7. Please No

Children will always want to stay up late and parents will always want to go to bed early, no matter what the holiday is.

8. 'Tis the Season

Tissues instead of noise makers? Check. Flu meds instead of champagne? Double check. Welcome to parenting through New Year's Eve!

9. Just Another Day

Kids make the cutest little noise makers you ever saw. Now pipe down and go to sleep!

Related:How to Throw a Noon Year's Eve Party for Kids

10. Because Who Doesn't Love Leggings?

This is the only fashion advice we're listening to this time of year. Bring on the cozy clothes and the snacks on the couch!

11. Three Words: Fake Ball Drop

This is the parenting hack we all need when staring down the clock and realizing just how late midnight really is.

12. This Party Is Off the Hook

Have you even lived unless you folded towels and tried to match 200 toddler socks in the middle of the night? This New Year meme is relatable to sleep-deprived parents everywhere.

13. Maybe Next Year

The answer is always cleaning stuff. That's what we do!

14. Starting the New Year With a Positive Attitude

Why not start the new year with a great attitude? This parent has the right idea!

15. Crazy New Year Wishes

Raise your hand if you have a partner who spends a lot of time in the bathroom. We see you.

Whether you're ready to pass out from sheer exhaustion at 9 p.m. or you have the energy of a small toddler to get you past midnight, we hope you have a fantastic time.

Here, here to the new year!