13 Tips for Organizing Your Linen Closet

Enough with this clutter. Take an hour out of your day to transform your linen closet into an organized oasis in just a few practical steps. Whether it's sheets, towels, or bedding, creating order in this often overlooked space not only streamlines daily routines but also adds a touch of calm to your home. Make the most of clever storage solutions, and give yourself back extra closet space. (Next time you change the sheets, you'll be pleased with yourself.)

1. Declutter First

Begin by decluttering your linen closet. Say good-bye to piles of mismatched towels and hello to a beautifully organized linen closet. Donate or discard items you no longer need, such as old beach towels (especially those strange hooded towels), extra blankets, mismatched sheets, or extra pillows. Once you have a realistic visual of your linen collection, the organization process will come together much faster.

2. Categorize Items

Group similar items by category. Create categories such as sets of sheets, bath towels, blankets, miscellaneous items, and seasonal items. This makes it easier to find what you need.

3. Use Baskets or Bins

Invest in baskets or plastic bins to contain smaller items like hand towels, washcloths, or toiletries. Labeling these containers can further enhance organization. If you have space on the back of the door, consider closet door storage containers.

4. Maximize Vertical Space

Utilize the vertical space in your linen closet by installing shelves from top to bottom. This allows you to store more items and keeps them easily accessible. (This is a great tip for the bedroom closet, too!)

5. Roll Towels and Sheets

Roll towels and sheets instead of folding them. This not only saves space but also prevents creases and wrinkles.

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6. Store Bedding Sets Together

Keep sheet sets together by folding and storing them inside one of the pillowcases. This ensures that all pieces of the set stay organized and easy to find.

7. Use Shelf Dividers

Install shelf dividers to keep stacks of towels or sheets neat and prevent them from toppling over. This can make a huge difference. You can even get adjustable shelf dividers so that you can easily accommodate your seasonal rotations. Wire shelving units can also add function while helping your linens breathe.

8. Rotate Linens Regularly

Rotate your linens on a regular basis to ensure that everything gets used evenly—not just when spring cleaning. This also helps you identify items that may need to be replaced or refreshed.

9. Consider Clear Containers

If using containers, opt for see-through ones. Whether wire baskets, laundry baskets, or even plastic containers for larger items, this allows you to easily see the contents without having to open each container. It's especially helpful if you are working with vertical storage and deep shelves.

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10. Label Shelves

The cleaning pros know that pulling out your label maker can further streamline the process of finding specific items in your storage space, even in a tidy closet. This is especially if multiple family members access the closet.

11. Create a System for Guest Linens

How many categories of linens do you have? It's a good idea to not only have a couple options for guests, but create extra space and keep them separate and clearly labeled for easy retrieval when hosting visitors.

12. Add Your Own Personal Touch

Don't be afraid to put some time into beautifying the closet itself. Maybe you want a bright fresh coat of paint or a closet with wallpaper. Wood linen closet shelves can create a soothing neutral color palette. Whatever your aesthetic, adding beauty to the practical spaces can be the motivation you need to keep it organized.

13. Prevent Mold and Mildew in Your Linen Closet

First things first: Always dry your sheets, extra towels, and blankets so they're 100% dry before you put them in the linen closet. Lack of airflow in a warm setting is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn fosters those sour smells you associate with the inside of your linen closet.

Additionally, use cedar blocks or chips, baking soda, and other natural deodorizers like essential oil linen sprays to keep your bedding smelling their best. You can even put a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and place it in a back corner of your closet. You can also place dryer sheets between linens, use aromatic pouches, or install scented drawer liners to curb smells.