13 Texts And Screenshots From Ex-Boyfriends Who Are Stupid, Ridiculous, And Toxic As All Hell

1. This loser who threatened his ex with revenge porn:

2. This A-hole who told his ex she was gonna die alone:

3. This manipulator who tried to sweet-talk his ex after blackmailing her:

4. This self-pitier who posted this embarrassing tweet:

5. This weirdo who felt the need to pop into his ex's life and guilt her, six whole years after their breakup:

6. This creep who likened himself to "The Joker":

7. This D-bag who quickly changed his tune:

8. Same with this fool:

9. This idiot who made an extremely ignorant generalization about his ex's profession:

10. This nincompoop who tried to flex on his ex's current boyfriend:

11. This "good guy" who tried to convince his ex that he didn't do anything wrong (despite being a possessive weirdo):

12. This total dud who had the most pathetic excuse for not wanting his girlfriend to visit her friends:

13. And finally, this dirtball who harassed his ex on every social media platform — including Google Hangouts:

H/T: r/niceguys

H/T: r/cringetopia