13 Before And After Photos Of Rescued Pets That May Just Restore Your Completely Broken Faith In Humanity

13 Before And After Photos Of Rescued Pets That May Just Restore Your Completely Broken Faith In Humanity

Sometimes, I need a little faith in humanity, so I run right over to the "BeforeNAfterAdoption" subreddit where families are encouraged to share photos of their rescued animals. Each side-by-side perfectly captures how being placed in a loving family can make a massive difference. And these photos are bound to warm your freezing cold heart:

1.This little guy was found roaming desert land five years ago:

Closeup of a malnourished dog

Now he's livin' it up in southern California:

Closeup of a dog

Before and after:

Closeup of a dog

2.This ginger cat was found abandoned in 2022:

A ginger cat

And now, he's got all his color back:

A ginger cat

Before and after:

A ginger cat

3.This is Bunny. She was rescued from a rooftop during a typhoon:

Two people carrying a dog in a cage

Now she's doing better than ever:

Closeup of Bunny

Before and after:

Two men carrying a dog in a cage

4.This little one spent three years without a family:

Closeup of a cat on a poster

Now, she's receiving endless cuddles:

A cat sleeping on its owner

Before and after:

A cat on a poster

5.This dog was found malnourished and living outside:

Two dogs on the couch

Now, she's got a new haircut and a happy home:

A dog playing with a stick

Before and after:

Two dogs on the couch

6.Kira was an anxious cat when she first met her new family:

Kira the cat

Now, their home is her home:

Kira the cat

Before and after:

Kira the cat

7.This pup's family said they immediately ran out to get him after seeing this photo:

Closeup of a dog

Now, he's being taken on endless adventures:

A dog wearing shoes

Before and after:

Closeup of a dog

8.Jimmy was rescued and in need of grooming:

Jimmy the dog

Now, he's quite stately:

Closeup of Jimmy the dog

Before and after:

Jimmy the dog

9.Doug was just a babe when he was rescued:

Closeup of Doug the cat

Now, he's grown up in luxury:

Closeup of a cat

Before and after:

Closeup of two cats

10.This little guy was adopted after spending weeks in foster care:

Closeup of a dog sleeping

He's even more comfy in his new home:

Closeup of a dog sleeping

Before and after:

Closeup of a dog sleeping

11.Finn was a stray before being adopted by a family in Tennessee:

A dog in a cage

Now, look at him! So sweet:

A dog wearing a shirt

Before and after:

A dog in a cage

12.This little one was hiding in her new family's arms at the shelter:

A person holding a cat

Now, she's a confident cat:

Closeup of a cat

Before and after:

A person holding a cat

13.And finally, this little one was overloaded by hair:

Closeup of a dog with its tongue out

Now, he's all groomed and happy at home:

Closeup of a dog with its tongue out

Before and after:

Closeup of a dog with its tongue out