Genius Uses for Castile Soap You've Never Thought of Before

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From Country Living

If you're into home cleaning remedies, then you're more than familiar with the array of household products that can be used to clean a dishwasher, get that oven clean as a whistle, and fight unsightly mold. But move over white vinegar and baking soda. It's time to add another can-do product to our must-have list: castile soap.

Never heard of it? You're not alone. Allow us to tell you a little about this wonderful all-purpose soap. Unlike most soaps, castile soap is made from vegetable oil rather than "tallow" (a nice way to say "animal fat"). That means castile's soap's nontraditional base makes it cruelty-free and completely biodegradable.

The product originated in Spain's Castile region (hence the name!), and olive oil was the traditional base fat for this gentle, environmentally-responsible soap. But nowadays, it's made from a variety of vegetable-derived oils including coconut, avocado, walnut, almond, hemp, and more.

So now that you know what castile soap is, what can you do with it? We're glad you asked. We've got lots of ways to use castile soap in your everyday daily cleaning, , washing, and self-care routines. (And peep a few of our favorite castile soaps below.)

1. Take a relaxing bath with it.

Add two tablespoons of castile liquid soap to a full bath for an all-natural cleansing experience. Unfortunately, castile soap doesn't bubble on its own, so if a bubble bath is a non-negotiable, just add a bit of vegetable glycerin in order to make that happen. You can also add essential oils for a stronger scent.

2. Use it as a natural body wash.

You can use this foamy soap on its own as a body wash. Just like most other shower products, a single squirt on a wet washcloth will do the trick, and the water in your shower will dilute it to the proper potency. But if you'd prefer to add other active ingredients or scents, you can do that, too. Honey, sweet almond oil, Vitamin E oil, and essential oils are all great options.

3. Make your own laundry detergent.

Many commercial laundry detergents are full of unnecessarily strong chemicals. Instead, try adding 1/3 cup to 1/2 cup of castile soap to any large load (if you have a small washer, halve these quantities), then add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle.

4. Use it as baby soap.

Sensitive baby skin needs gentle soap, and we know just the thing. As with all things baby-related, we encourage you to consult your child's pediatrician before changing anything regarding their routines. But once you've got the green light, you can simply dilute one ounce of castile soap with two ounces of distilled water, then use it to wash your baby. Take care to keep the mixture far from the baby's eyes.

5. Use it in your garden.

Get this: You can actually make your own natural, effective insecticide and fungicide at home with castile soap. Will wonders never cease? Get the full how-to at Going Green With a Bronner Mom.

6. Wash your dogs with it.

Dog shampoo can be overpriced and contain a needlessly long ingredient list. But if you make it at home, you can control exactly what goes in in—and save money. Wet your dog's coat first, then add a few small pumps of castile soap and give him or her a good scrub. Rinse, dry, and you've got yourself a shiny new dog at a fraction of the cost.

7. DIY your own dish soap.

Not only will castile soap make washing dishes less expensive, it'll also give you zero reason to worry about the skin on your hands and arms every night. Ten parts warm water to one part castile soap is all you need to make the washing solution of your dreams.

8. Clean your whole house with it.

Feel like getting totally carried away? Go right ahead! You can use the soap to make an all-purpose, clean-nearly-everything spray simply by adding 1/4 cup to 1 quart of warm water and pouring the mixture into a spray bottle. Then spray (dirt and grime) away!

9. Get ants out of your home.

It's hard to believe that anybody doesn't love castile soap, but it's true: A few critters find it wholly displeasing. Luckily, we don't find them very pleasing. Say goodbye to ants by combining 1/4 cup of tea-tree castile soap with a quart of water. (Just don't spray it directly on plants; this less-diluted mixture is seriously potent and will harm them.)

10. Mop your floors with it.

Half a cup of castile soap can be added to 3 gallons of hot water to make a delightfully simple DIY mopping solution.

11. Remove your makeup naturally.

Equal parts of castile soap, witch hazel, and coconut oil make for a really, really good makeup remover. You'll never go back to the store-bought stuff—we guarantee it.

12. Clean your makeup brushes.

Warm water and a little bit of castile soap make an excellent makeup brush cleaning solution. Simply dab the tips of your brushes into the solution, then run them under colder tap water until they're clean. Air dry, and repeat whenever you feel like your brushes could use a little clean-up.

13. Clear your sinuses with it.

If you've selected a soap containing essential oils (such as Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Castile Soap or Dr. Bronner's Citrus Castile Soap), you'll find it has far more benefits than just cleaning and washing. Simply fill a large bowl with hot water, add a few pumps or squeezes of soap, and inhale the steam that emerges to open your nasal passages. Pro tip: Wear a towel or sheet over your head in order to keep the steam from escaping.

14. Mix up a DIY foot scrub.

Who needs a nail salon? Make your own DIY foot scrub with 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of castile soap, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, and a few drops of peppermint oil. Apply it to your tired feet before you polish, and you’ve got yourself a pedi that rivals the pros.

15. Try it as shaving cream.

The Dr. Bronner site suggests the following measurements for a shaving cream made from castile soap. Face: 10 drops; underarms: 3 drops; legs: 1/2 tablespoon. Work it into a lather and get to it!

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