13 Disney Adults Who, For Better Or For Worse, Caught My Attention This Month

If you've been on the internet the past few years, you're probably aware that Disney adults do not have the best rep. Along with Harry Potter lovers, cheugy millennials, and Live Laugh Love homeowners, Disney grownups probably won't be able to shake their "cringe" label for decades to come.


Whether you're on their side or not, there's one thing you can't deny: These folks are PASSIONATE. Here are 13 Disney adults who had me saying, "Not for me, but good for you I guess":

1.This Disney adult who referenced "We don't talk about Bruno" at a government meeting:

  u/girlfromoz / Via reddit.com

2.This Disney adult who discovered a magically cheap baguette:

  u/Alwaystacos / Via reddit.com

3.This Disney adult who goes nowhere without their Mickey Mouse heels:

  u/scrumdiddilyumptious / Via reddit.com

4.This Disney adult who's powered by bitch dust:

  u/sweetass0dap0p / Via reddit.com

5.This Disney adult who had a High School Musical-themed wedding (and had high hopes that the cast would show up):

  u/Alwaystacos / Via reddit.com

6.This Disney adult who recreated the Sleeping Beauty cake:

  u/letsgolesbolesbo / Via reddit.com

7.This Disney adult who used the Disney font for their family funeral business:

  u/rageagainsthevagene / Via reddit.com

8.And this Disney adult who used the Disney font for their crude bumper sticker:

i may not go down in history but i'll go down on your girl

9.This Disney adult who has a peculiar taste in decor:

  u/rxninja / Via reddit.com

10.This Disney adult who's a certified Wifey™:

  u/queenofspoons / Via reddit.com

11.This Disney adult who has quite the peculiar family:

  herpderp5 / Via reddit.com

12.This Disney adult who talks about sex with their partner using Disney GIFs:

  u/blueoystercel / Via reddit.com

13.And finally, these Disney adults who are proud, childless millennials:

  u/StabbySnek / Via reddit.com