13 Cultural Experiences You’ll Have At A Black Friendsgiving

The holiday season is upon us, and that means sales ads, excessive shopping, specialty drinks, decorative clothing, and an influx of communal gatherings and celebrations.

Saturday Night Live / Via giphy.com

Recently, Friendsgiving celebrations have become a popular trend among people. However, every group is nuanced, and the cultural expectations are different among every friend circle, mainly if that circle is filled with Black people. Let's look at some things you can expect at your Black Friendsgiving.

1.Food. This is not the time to try out new recipes. Stick to what's tried and true. You will be judged accordingly for that new recipe you thought looked so good online.

Identity / Via giphy.com

2.There will be an open bar, so don't be rude. Bring a bottle, and be merry.

Damez / Via giphy.com

3.A playlist will serve as the soundtrack for the day, so make sure those dance moves are tight.

FOX TV / Via giphy.com

4.Games. Please learn and understand the house rules for every card game that happens. No one wants to destroy a friendship over Spades or UNO.

ABC Network / Via giphy.com

5.Speaking of games, be prepared to defend Black culture with challenge games like Culture Tags and Black Card Revoked.

Run The Burbs / Via giphy.com

6.At some point, there will be an intense conversation around politics, race, and/or faith.

BigBrother / Via giphy.com

7.But at the end of the day, we recognize our differences make us great. It's all love in the end.

Peacock TV / Via giphy.com

8.We also show love with a dose of shade. Get your clap backs prepared now.

Bravo / Via giphy.com

9.When some of the other activities end, we will gather to watch a blassic (Black and classic) holiday movie to officially start the Christmas season.

This Christmas / Via giphy.com

10.But don't let the calm fool you. The vibe will likely turn back up with a singalong.

Nickelodeon / Via giphy.com

11.Oh, be prepared to serve looks. You need to bring your best outfits to the living room.

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12.We will also start ending the night by talking about the Secret Santa exchange.

Holly Logan / Via giphy.com

13.And just when we thought it was over, the playlist cues the right song, and the celebration turns back up.

P. Lo Jetson / Via giphy.com

Friendsgiving celebrations are essential for friend groups, and like many things, Black people always add our little sauce to the shindig. So, come with good vibes, and make memories that will last forever.

Bounce / Via giphy.com

What are some things you're expecting at Friendsgiving?