124 Genius "Life Hacks" I Learned In 2023 That I Can't Wait To Personally Test Out In 2024

I'm a sucker for a good "life hack." So much so that I've been writing a monthly series about the best hacks I discovered each month throughout 2023. To celebrate the end of the year and for your convenience, here are all of the best hacks in one place so we can go into 2024 by working smarter, not harder:

1."Use a beard trimmer to remove the cat scratch threads from your couch."

Before-and-after of a couch cushion

2."If you live in an apartment, put numbers on the bottom of your door for proof of delivery. Most of the time, the drivers don't get my door number in the photo, and this way, they have to."

arrow pointing to a door number

3."Unscrew a tight spotlight bulb using suction cups so you can get a better grip."

A person unscrewing a lightbulb

4."How to move clothes on hangers."

clothes in bags on hangers

5."Don't have a toothbrush container? Use a water bottle!"

a toothbrush in a water bottle


u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

6."You can connect two Ziploc bags by flipping one inside out to make a larger one."

two bags together

7."A simple doormat could save the life of a beloved pet or wild animal who has fallen into an unsupervised pool."

a mat in a pool

8."If you ever lose small jewelry or really any small items, this is how to find it. Put a stocking, pantyhose, or sock over the nozzle of a vacuum, and swipe it under furniture. It'll stick to the material without getting sucked into the vacuum."

Pantyhose on a vacuum cleaner

9."I use a 3M hanger upside down to keep trash bags in place."

closeup of the hook placed upside down on the side of a trash can

10."Tape a garbage bag to the floor for easy cleanup."

someone sweeping dust into a bag

11."Silence your unbalanced and noisy washing machine by using a pool noodle."

A pool noddle between a washing machine and dryer

12."My dad shared this trick with me. To deter his perfectly good extension cords from being stolen when camping, he would wrap them in electrical tape in various spots so they looked older and like they've had to be mended."

tape on cords

13.This super easy way to quickly calculate a tip:

person breaking down a 20% tip

14."Keep your toddler safely in the grocery cart seat with a carabiner."

A carabiner locking a child into a cart seat

15."Here's how you can sew in a straight line."

Closeup of someone sewing

16."Can't fit two pizzas in your small oven? Cut them in half for optimal pizza placement."

Pizzas on an oven tray

17."I’ve been married to my wife for 11 years, and she just taught me that if I use a cheese grater on a cold stick of butter, it’s easier to spread on toast and muffins."

Someone grating butter

18."Write the date on your blister packs so you know if you've taken your meds for that day or not."

Numbered pills

19."Turn your tackle box into a snackle box. It's perfect for a day trip."

Tackle box filled with snacks

20."Pizza cutters are the most under-utilized kitchen utensil. You can use them for so much more than just, well, pizza."

pizza cutter that diced ham

21."Duct tape a washcloth around a hanger to clean under your fridge and stove."

the rag being used to clean

22."Our diaper bin broke so I am using a litter container instead. Just saved me $30."

large litter bin

23."One chopstick + two rubber bands = getting all the toothpaste out of the tube."

toothpick tied to some toothpaste

24."Drink your coffee without watering it down. Just freeze coffee in an ice cube tray and store in your freezer."

coffee ice cubes

25."Throw your pillows in the dryer to help fluff them back up. Who doesn't love fluffy pillows?!"

fluffed up pillows

26."Put lemon juice on your apple slices to keep them from oxidizing for a couple days."

lemon juice next to a carton of apples

27."I use a hairpin to mark the end of my tape."

bobbly pick stuck to the beginning of the tape roll

28."Keep your craft beer fresh by covering it with a cat food cover. They have a dual purpose!"

the lid on the brew

29."Use two thin rubber bands to hold rickety gingerbread walls in place!"

A gingerbread house

30."If your bathroom stall doesn't have a hook to hold your bag or purse, try using the door lock."

A bag hanging on a bathroom door lock

31."Wear gloves when you're decorating or touching anything covered in glitter."

A hand holding a Christmas ornament

32."Foil, baking soda, salt, and boiling water. Perfect for cleaning silver-plated flatware."

Side-by-side of a dirty and clean fork

33."I got tired of family members using a cup then abandoning it, so now, we each have our own colored rubber band we put around whichever cup we’re using that day. I end up washing fewer dishes!"

Glasses in a cabinet

34."Use a safety pin to keep all your bobby pins together while traveling."

bobby pins on a safety pin

35."Use broth in your boxed mac 'n' cheese if you’re out of milk."

Mac 'n' cheese

36."When I have something in the fridge that I don't want to forget to bring with me, I put my car keys on the handle."

Car keys on a fridge

37."Heavy cream about to go bad? Shake it in a jar and make butter (and some bonus buttermilk). Don’t forget the flaky salt!"

Butter in a bowl

38."If you're struggling to put on a bracelet, just put tape on one end and connect the other side."

Someone with tape on their bracelet

39."When making meatloaf, add boxed stuffing mix. It'll act as your bread binder AND seasoning."


40."Rub a walnut on damaged wooden furniture to cover up dings. I tried it for the first time today, and it worked."

Before and after photos of a wooden leg with a walnut used to treat the wood

41."My wife just had a surgery and needed to ice regularly for the following days. All the ice packs we had were too large, and I couldn't find one that was quite right at the store, so I MacGyver'd her one out of Orbeez and a vacuum sealer bag that's just the right size."

A makeshift ice pack

42."I had to add a large amount of fresh pepper to a dish and grabbed my drill. It worked like a charm."


43."When your grocery cart is full, but you still need to pick up drinks, you can do this":

Drinks in a grocery basket

44."I remove frozen items from the boxes they come in and just cut the cooking instructions out, then place them in bags. It saves so much room in my freezer!"

A packed freezer

45."Have tiny cleaning brushes for straws? Don’t lose them down the drain by putting a key ring on the end."

a key ring on a pipe cleaner

46."Put a mouse pad under your coffee bean grinder. It makes it super quiet!"

a coffee maker on a mouse pad

47."I use a soup ladle to transfer paint. It costs $3, it's super easy to clean, and there's zero mess."

a ladle in a paint can

48."Medicine hack for kids!"

a hand holding medicine

49."A pool noodle placed in the corners of a pop-up tent will keep rainwater from pooling around the supports."

a tent with a pool noodle

50."If you alternate the orientation of the glasses in your cabinet, you can pack them tighter and get about a third of your cabinet space back."

cups in a cupboard

51."Pull open dip bowl for more dipping room."

an open dip bowl

52."Use a hair clip to anchor charging cables on your bedside."

a hairclip holding a cord

53."Pantyhose or tights will keep all your pots organized."

Pots in pantyhose

54."Use a bungee cord to keep the trash bag from slipping."

a bungee cord on a trash bag

55."A simple and effective way to dry your toilet brush."

a toilet brush drying

56."Using a spoon to keep her on the porch and not chasing squirrels."

a dog held by a spoon

57."Reuse your egg cartons to build up charcoal pyramids for the BBQ. Just light it on fire at the edges to get it going!"

charcoal in an egg carton

58."Carry bread clips to fix worn flip-flops or 'thongs.'"



u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

59."For fitted sheets, get ones with a pattern on them. You can use the pattern to determine which side is the long side and which side is the short side. This has been helping me for months."

closeup of sheets

60."Stretch your towels. Every time you fold your towels, stretch the short ends. This prevents that weird cinch that prevents them from folding nicely. This towel is likely 15 years old. No bunch!"

a person stretching a towel

61."Put Saran wrap over your spackle before you put the lid on and store it."

saran wrap on spackle

62."Use a flag holder to keep your paper towels in one spot when you're camping."

Napkins near a pool

63."Keep fleece, stuffed animals, and plush items fluffy when washing: Put them in a pillowcase and tie it closed before sticking in the dryer."

a kid's sweater

64."I was chewing gum while putting my wires away, and it suddenly clicked…"

Hubba Bubba with wires inside

65."My husband does this! It makes the hash brown patties bacon flavored. 🤤"

hashbrowns being grilled above bacon strips

66."How to fill a mop bucket if you don’t have a hose or if the faucet doesn’t reach!"

Someone using a dust pan to fill a mop bucket

67."My hack is for your kitchen garbage. I add a mixture of cat litter and baking soda in the bottom before putting the bag in. The litter soaks up any bin juices, and the baking soda stops the bin from smelling too badly."

Someone throwing away food in the garbage
Getty Images

68."Probably the simplest life hack I use daily is use empty tissue boxes to store extra fast food napkins."

napkins in a tissue box

69."When you need an impromptu phone stand, just use a crushed can."

A crushed can as a phone stand

70."I use silicone baking pans to make a HUGE ice mold. They fit perfectly in these five gallon jugs and keep everything so much colder than using traditional ice cubes. I fill up a bunch every morning in the summer for work, and it's been a game-changer for me."

Ice molds

71."Pretty proud of this. Using an old hanger as a bag chip clip will keep the snacks handy and out of the sand."

A hanger as a chip clip

72."When deflating pool toys, a small clamp pinches the inflation nipple perfectly while you lay/lean/sit on it."

A clip on an inflatable toy

73."Clean a spice grinder or coffee grinder by blending up some white rice inside. It will trap any leftover spices and aromas."

Rice in a grinder

74."After 28 tomato-loving years, I finally found the best way to keep my tomatoes on my sandwich. Maybe it can help you out, too!"

Someone wrapping cold cuts around the tomatoes on a sandwich

75."Cook your eggs in a slice of onion for a perfectly-shaped fried egg ready to go in a sandwich."

Eggs in onion slices

76."Store your fruit salad in a strainer inside a larger bowl. It keeps the fruit above the juices, and you can just take the strainer out and dump the juice out of the bowl every so often. The fruit stays fresh much longer!"

Fruit in a strainer in a bowl

77."You can use a long clamp or vice if you forget your caulk gun."

a clamp for caulking

78."Use tin foil to make your pan smaller."

Tin foil taking up space in a cooking pan

79."Canned tomato paste hack. Open both sides of the can and..."

A can of tomato paste
u/Gloomy-Draft-8633 / Via reddit.com

"...push all of the paste out. The can is now like a tube so everything will come out. No more scraping and wasting half the can."

Someone pushing the tomato paste onto a skillet

80."Finally figured out how to store those pesky corn cob holders. No more poking myself in the kitchen drawer."

A sponge with picks in it

81."Tucking a large towel or hoodie on the top of your laundry basket will help prevent items from spilling out on the way down and up from the laundry room."

A towel tucked into the top of a laundry basket

82."How to make impromptu garbage bins for a party. I am having a graduation party for my daughter tomorrow. We are having a large crowd. I wanted to place a few garbage bins outside around the yard, so here's what I did. I placed a 33-gallon plastic bag inside of a lawn and leaf palate bag. I cuffed the top, rolling twice, and clipped the plastic bag to the cuff."

Make-shift trash cans

83."The 10-ounce setting on a Keurig machine will perfectly fill a ramen cup."

A Keurig being used for ramen noodles

84."Green onions in water works almost too well. Infinite greens hack!"

Green onions in water

85."I bought this for $9. It's called an Amazon 'smart shelf' and is designed to automatically reorder an item when the inventory gets low. Instead of putting it in my kitchen, I placed it under my dog's water. Now I get an alert every time his bowl gets too low and needs to be refilled."

A water bowl on a smart shelf

86."An absolute revolution for herbs. This cilantro is two weeks old (after vacation). It’s as if it were picked today. I put a paper towel on the bottom, rinsed and untied the cilantro, and put more paper towels on top. Then, sealed in a container. Wow!"

A paper towel used to keep herbs fresh

87."Serve ice cream in a wine tumbler to keep it frozen longer."

Ice cream in a wine tumbler

88."Seems that old couch springs make for pretty good plant climbers."

Springs as plant climbers

89."When eating a clementine, hold it up against light. You'll be able to see where the seeds are."

A clementine held up to the light

90."Use a rubber band to travel with pump bottles without a mess."

A rubber band on a pump bottle of CeraVe

91."Keep your ladder from marking up your walls with an old shirt."

a shirt on a ladder

92."How to fix a curved rug corner. Place cup on corner and surround it with ice cubes..."

ice cubs near a glass
u/Dazed_And_MoreBooze / Via reddit.com

"...give it time to melt and remove the cup."

cup on a rug, then cup gone

93."To help keep our pollinators hydrated, add some marbles to a shallow bowl of water. The marbles give the bees a safe place to land while drinking so they don't drown."

Bees on marbles

94."Been storing my headphones in this sour candy case for years."

headphones in a candy case

95."I thought this was well known until my father who has been a mechanic for 30 years had not seen it before. Open your cable tie packets in the middle, and you will never spill them all over the floor again. Pull out however many you need from the center as seen below."

a person pulling a cable tie out of a package

96."Cut a leg off of a delivery pizza topper thingy to create a smartphone stand."

a smart phone stand

97."Chair mat alternative."

a chair mat

98."My wife’s technique. She pokes the popsicle stick through a paper towel to catch the drips."

a napkin under a popsicle

99."Here's what to do if you've been arguing with customer service or just generally having a hard time canceling a service/subscription."

"I am going to prison"

100."Use pliers to hold small nails when hammering. It lowers the chance of smashing your fingers."

a hand holding pliers

101."My roommate changed my life tonight. Candle warmer and queso dip."

queso dip on a candle warmer


u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

102."If you're like me and have a broken laptop hinge..."

a picture used to hold up a laptop

103."Hate slicing onions? Stab it with a fork and then use a potato peeler, sliding it back and forth, to make thin slices."

person peeling an onion

104."I use a nail brush for scrubbing the corners and small grooves of my air fryer. Regular brushes with big handles can't get into the tiny crannies."

nail brush inside the air fryer


u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

105."Solar lantern + candy bucket = Glowing pumpkin wearing a hat."

a glowing pumpkin

106."Yet another use for a pool noodle."

noodle cut to fit on a window of a car to make a comfy arm rest

107."Use a screw and two bolts to create a makeshift wrench."

a makeshift wrench

108."Try making your omelettes in a panini maker."

eggs made in the panini maker

109."The hack of all hacks."

mouse working by putting only one battery in diagonally

110."For those that may not know, you can use dryer lint plus a toilet paper tube as a 'lighter cube' for your charcoal chimneys. Also great for starting almost any kind of fire, and it saves you a few bucks on buying starter cubes."

lint in a toilet paper roll

111."I employed a cheap adhesive cord holder from the dollar store as a bit holder on my impact driver."

circle around the cord holder used on the driver tool

112."Standing desk hack using IKEA dresser."

the drawer to the dresser pulled out and a self put on top to create a flat surface for the mouse and keyboard

113."I lost the screw cap for our air mattress so tried screwing on a random bottle, and it worked!"

small bottle covering the air hole in the mattress

114."This house has color-coded switches: gray for fans, black for the garbage disposal."

the different switches

115."I punched some holes in a plastic pill box and put it over my vacuum nozzle so I can vacuum dust out of kids' toy storage boxes."

closeup of the holes made in the pill bottle

116."These loops on the edge of a wire dish drying rack can hold tall glasses from tipping over."

water bottles in the dishwasher

117."It's not the sexiest life hack in the world, but some masking tape and a Sharpie can make rifling through medicine drawers a lot easier."

labeled tape on pill bottles

118."This juice package explains the life hack to smoothly pour your drink. It also works for similar containers and quarts of oil and transmission fluid if you don't have a funnel handy."

closeup of the label

119."Tied a hoodie for a temp laundry hamper when I was staying at a hotel."

hoodie made into a laundry bag

120."Used my paper towel holder to dry my wonky-ass decanter!"

upside down decanter over a paper towel holder

121."Simple solutions. Use a piece of cardboard to keep all your bolts, screws, etc. organized."

bolts and screws in cardboard

122."Cleaning shower chain hack. Pour distilled white vinegar into a small Ziploc, submerge the affected area, and tie it with a rubber band overnight. Then I used a Scrub Daddy and wiped off excess stuff in the morning, and voila, nearly brand new shower head chain! I used it on faucets around the house, too, beautiful results."

before and after of the hose

123."Big propane cylinders can fit tightly inside a four-gallon milk crate. It's so much easier AND safer to carry."

propane inside a milk crate

And finally...

124."Cover the sensor on a public bathroom to stop it from flushing too soon."

toilet paper over the sensor

Now, it's your turn! What's a life hack you learned in 2023?

Note: Submissions have been editing for length and/or clarity.