12 Unnerving Photos That Look Like They Were Screen-Shotted From A Horror Movie

1.This ferris wheel being held up by bricks is reminding me strongly of Final Destination 3 (2006), where a bunch of kids die at a theme park.

A ferris wheel held up by bricks

Here's a terrifying shot from the movie:

GIF from "Final Destination 3"
New Line Cinema

2.This abandoned van covered in bullet holes in the desert is reminiscent of The Hills Have Eyes (2006), where a family gets attacked, tortured, and murdered by a group of inbred hillbillies.

A van covered in bullet holes

Here's the trailer from the movie:

Screenshot from "The Hills Have Eyes"
20th Century Fox

3.This ominous cave (with a scary face engraved in it?!) reminds me of The Descent (2005), where a group of women get trapped while spelunking, and happen upon some messed up creatures.

A face peeking out of a cave

Here's a painfully claustrophobic pic from the film:

Screenshot from "The Descent"

4.This photo of swimmers before they break the water's surface looks like The Blob (1988). In the movie, a transparent blob from outer space consumes everything it comes into contact with.

People swimming

Here's a photo for reference:

The Blob
TriStar Pictures

5.This doll being sold on Facebook Marketplace is basically asking for a recreation of the Child's Play movies starring Chucky:

"Richard Simmons Doll"

Y'all probably know this guy by now, but here's Chucky:

Closeup of Chucky

6.This smiling goat looks a lot like Black Phillip from The Witch (2015). Black Phillip is Satan in disguise, and basically responsible for the deaths of an entire family.

A smiling goat

Here's Black Phillip from the movie:

Closeup of Black Phillip

7.This room full of dead things in jars is eerily similar to the basement in American Horror Story (2011) Season 1.

Jars with dead things

Here are the nasty ass jars in AHS:

Screenshot from "American Horror Story"

8.This Totino's pizza roll ad is giving Leatherface from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). Yeah, that's the guy who wears his victims' skin as a mask.

"Shoutout to pizza roll moms"

Here's Leatherface for reference:

Closeup of Leatherface
Bryanston Distributing Company

9.This wooden doll a kid found in the woods is about to torment them, just like the doll in Trilogy of Terror (1975).

"Friend's kid found this in the woods"

Here's a shot from the movie:

Screenshots from "Trilogy of Terror"
MPI Media Group

10.This creepy tree looks like the monster in The Ritual (2017).

A sinister-looking tree


Screenshot from "The Ritual"

11.This cat with a pancake on its face is basically Jason from the Friday the 13th movies.

A pancake on a cat's face

Here he is in all his glory:

Closeup ofJason from "Friday the 13th" films

12.And finally, this little girl climbing a wall and chilling in the ceiling corner is a spitting image of possessed Toni Collette in Hereditary (2018).

A little girl in the corner of the ceiling


Screenshot from "Hereditary"