12 Slipper and Robe Pairings to Elevate Your Loungewear Game

Certified cute combos.

We all know the winter months are about cozying up and hibernating — which inevitably calls for some cute loungewear.

The perfect robe is the ultimate stay-at-home-and-lounge piece, whether you're making coffee, getting ready for a hot shower or simply hanging out. Plush terrycloth can transport you to a pampered spa retreat, while a rich silk can make even the laziest Sunday feel luxurious.

You can take that to the next level with a pair of equally chic slippers: With a warm toasty slip-on, your feet won't have to brave the cold kitchen tiles on your next trip to the fridge.

Below, we have rounded up some of the cutest slipper and robe combinations to elevate your loungewear game. 

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