12 Mistakes You Don't Want to Make at a runDisney Race

12 Mistakes You Don't Want to Make at a runDisney Race 1. Don't park hop the day before. You'll already be exhausted from walking around all day. 2. Don't load up on sugar beforehand. Don't give yourself digestive distress. 3. Make post-race brunch reservations. Most places will be booked, so plan accordingly. 4. Don't stay too far off the property. All Disney hotels offer shuttles to the race start line area. 5. Don't skip the expo. It offers a ton of pre-race activities. 6. Don't miss the exclusive runner food. Every event has special food created specifically for runners of that race. 7. Don't wear regular running clothes. Bring out your inner child and wear that tutu. 8. Don't forget rain gear: Orlando weather is weird. 9. Don't stop for every photo op. You don't wanna stand in line during the race. 10. Don't forget a finish line libation. A little bubbly at the end of a race tastes extra special. 11. Don't waste a Park Hopper ticket directly after the race. Recover post- race, then go to the park the next day. 12. Don't miss the opportunity to raise money. You can raise money for a wonderful charity while signing up.