23 Inspirational Books That Will Keep You Motivated During This Hard-as-F*ck Time

23 Inspirational Books That Will Keep You Motivated During This Hard-as-F*ck Time

Real talk for a second: we’ve all got nothing but time on our hands at the moment, and I don’t know about you, but I’m running out of ideas for how to avoid becoming ~one~ with my couch. Of course, watching Tiger King for the third time, drinking a bottle of Pinot during a daily Zoom happy hour, and stealthily dissecting the Insta Stories of one's ex are all perfectly acceptable ways to pass the time, but maybe you're ready to fully unplug with a good old-fashioned book?! And given the, well, state of the world, maybe you need a book that'll deliver you an emotional pick-me-up. I know I do.

Which is why I've rounded up the 23 most inspirational books to stack on your bedside table as soon as you can. Not only are these reads gripping in a can't-put-it-down-whoops-I-stayed-up-past-my-bedtime kind of way, but they will also totally prep you to take the world by storm as soon as we're allowed out of the house again. Some of these picks will teach you about the lives of certain kickass women (hellooooo, RBG and Michelle Obama!) and others will motivate you to get your life in HBIC order stat. You ready to have your life changed?

You got this. 🙌

From Cosmopolitan