12 Indoor Palm Plants That Are Easy on the Eyes and Easy to Care For

We’ve got good news for anyone who’s ready to up their houseplant game with a real statement piece but doesn’t feel entirely confident their green thumb (or lack thereof) can support the ambition. Here, a roundup of indoor palm plants that are so easy to care for, you’d hardly know they exist…except you totally will, because they’re also so damn gorgeous that they’re hard to miss.

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1. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

The parlor palm—a member of the same family as coconut and date trees—is a lush little number that will transform any space into a tropical paradise. It’s also a very easygoing plant that can tolerate low light and generally takes well to indoor conditions. When watered every one to two weeks and repotted once a year, your parlor palm can grow to be a 6-foot tall showstopper in time. (Not too shabby, right?)

Buy it ($41)

2. Fishtail Palm (Caryota Mitis)

Eye-catching clusters of triangular, bipinnate leaves give this palm a truly unique appearance. Aside from its obvious aesthetic appeal, the fishtail palm is also a popular choice due to the fact that it requires very little light and adapts readily to indoor conditions. In fact, you can grow this guy in a bathroom, laundry room or pretty much anywhere else in your home, provided you keep the temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit and its soil moist.

$133 at Amazon

3. Cat Palm (Chamaedorea cataractarum)

Glossy, dark green fronds extend dramatically from the small shoots of this tropical palm, giving it a lush and full appearance that will elevate any indoor space. The cat palm can grow to be up to 6 feet tall, but if you prefer a more understated look for your interior, you can keep the growth under control with regular pruning. Either way, be sure to place your cat palm in bright, indirect sunlight—shade is fine, too—and water it such that the soil stays consistently moist.

$35 at Amazon

4. Yucca Palm (Yucca elephantipes)

The yucca palm, with its thick trunk and tough green foliage, is like a miniature Beverly Hills palm tree in a pot. When grown indoors, it’s best to keep this plant out of direct sunlight, which can cause discoloration of the leaves. Instead, opt for a spot with partial shade or bright, indirect light. Also, good news for negligent plant parents: The yucca palm is drought-resistant and actually prefers to be kept relatively dry—so be sure to pot it in well-draining soil and water it only when the soil is bone-dry.

$39 at Amazon

5. Majesty Palm (Ravenea rivularis)

This attractive palm features graceful, feathery fronds and an easygoing nature that makes it a breeze to care for indoors. The majesty palm is a shade-tolerant plant, but it does best when given plenty of bright, indirect or direct light. Humidity is also important to maintaining the health of a majesty palm, and thus requires consistently moist soil and a relatively humid spot in your house—perhaps in the kitchen or bathroom, and definitely away from radiators. When properly cared for, a majesty palm can grow up to a staggering 10 feet in height. That said, it’s worth noting that this is a slow-growing palm, so you needn’t worry about it overwhelming your interior any time soon.

Buy it ($68)

6. Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

This Victorian-era stunner boasts wide, dark green leaflets that can grow up to a foot in length, and a lush, exotic look that deserves to be on display. Although it needs a little space, the kentia palm is a slow-grower, nevertheless—a fact that accounts for its popularity as a houseplant. (Hint: This palm doesn’t require yearly repotting.) The kentia palm is known to be a forgiving plant, but it’s happiest when potted in well-draining soil, placed in low or indirect light, and watered whenever the topsoil is dry to the touch.

$130 at Amazon

7. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

Don’t be fooled by the name—the bamboo palm is not actually related to real bamboo, which grows in tropical and subtropical regions throughout South America and Southeast Asia. That said, the bamboo palm (which is native to the forests of Mexico and Central America) does prefer the same temperate conditions as its namesake and can thrive in low light conditions, though it prefers bright, indirect light. This type of palm is sensitive to the seasons, so it’s best to water it more frequently during the warmer months and less often in the winter. If you follow the aforementioned care advice, the dense reed-like foliage and impressive height (up to 7 feet) of the bamboo palm is sure to make a big impression.

Buy it ($199)

8. Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona chinensis)

This type of palm gets its name from the unique appearance of its large, green fronds, which fan out in a dramatic fashion. Needless to say, the breathtaking foliage of the Chinese fan palm requires some open space as it can grow to be 15 feet tall, and its fronds can spread to a width of 4 feet. Still, there are dwarf cultivars available to those who don’t have the space for a monster houseplant, but still appreciate the unique aesthetic of this palm. All varieties benefit from a thorough watering whenever the topsoil is dry to the touch and should be planted in a large grow pot that can accommodate the long taproot.

Buy it ($75)

9. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

This tropical palm boasts soft, beautiful fronds and can grow between 4 and 12 feet tall. Best of all, this statement piece is particularly easy to maintain indoors, as it thrives in and actually prefers low light settings. That said, it’s important to keep the soil moderately moist and feed the plant some fertilizer once a month so it can reach its full potential. Bonus: The Areca palm acts as a natural air purifier, removing pollutants from the environment and making your home a healthier place in the process.

Buy it ($47)

10. Lady Palm (Rhapis Excelsa)

The lady palm is an oh-so elegant houseplant with an eye-pleasing combination of green and variegated, slender fronds. This one is sure to lend loads of visual interest to your interior, and it’s blessedly easy to care for to boot. This one will do just fine in indirect light—just be sure to avoid overwatering, whilst still keeping the soil consistently moist.

$130 at Amazon

11. Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

The ponytail palm is slow-growing, drought-resistant and exceedingly easy to care for…it’s also not technically a palm at all. That’s right—this popular houseplant is, in fact, a succulent, belonging to the agave family and native to the Mexican desert. As such, the ponytail palm is a sun-loving plant that benefits from minimal watering (once every two weeks should suffice) and loads of direct or indirect light. When it comes to keeping a ponytail palm in top form, regular removal of crispy, brown leaves is also recommended.

Buy it ($79)

12. Sago Palm (Cycas Revoluta)

Here, another fake out for you—the sago is not a true palm, but rather a distant relative of conifers. Nevertheless, its textured trunk and stiff, feathery fronds make it easy to mistake this plant for a palm. The sago palm doesn’t take as kindly to low light as some others on our list, but it doesn’t demand full sun, either. The best spot for this slow-growing houseplant is one in which it gets filtered or indirect sun for at least four hours a day (preferably more). Irrigate your sago palm regularly to ensure the soil stays consistently moist, but only water when the topsoil is completely dry, lest you overdo it.

Buy it ($34)

RELATED: 26 Easy Houseplants That Are Almost Impossible to Kill

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