12 Incredible Transformations from Kayla Itsines' BBG Workout Program


Kayla Itsines, the founder of Bikini Body Guides (BBG) and the Sweat with Kayla app, is practically fitness royalty. The Aussie trainer has inspired countless people to become the strongest and most confident versions of themselves, leading to some of the most awe-inspiring stories we've ever seen. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain strength, or just make a major lifestyle change, these 10 transformations will convince you that BBG is definitely worth a shot.

Set Attainable Fitness Goals

Setting the right fitness goals is easier said than done—something Lisa Thurman understands whole-heartedly. The 31-year-old mom spent years attempting to build strength and change her body structure until she found BBG and changed her mindset toward fitness once and for all.

"Within a few weeks...I started to feel more confident, more secure and more worthy," she wrote on Instagram about her experience with BBG. "Physically, I hadn't really changed that much but mentally, I was becoming a whole new woman."

Today, after two years of doing BBG, Thurman has seen a physical transformation, but it's the changes on the inside she values most. "My heart, my mind, and my body have learned to love each other," she wrote. "They respect each other. And they forgive each other. I finally learned the beauty of self-love."

Consistency Is Key

After suffering from hyperemesis gavadrim (an extreme form of morning sickness) during all three of her pregnancies, Dani Guy's goal was to re-learn how to live an active and balanced lifestyle. Thanks to BBG, she did.

"I've been consistent with doing BBG Program all from home," she wrote on Instagram. "I've done this for myself and I have never felt better. My mental health has never been better and I'm confident in my own skin."

Fitness Inspires Confidence

Samantha started BBG in an effort to make a major lifestyle change. Today, not only has she lost weight and feels healthier overall, but also achieved her dream of running her first marathon.

"This program honestly changed my life and mindset," she shared on Instagram. "Talking to my parents about how I've grown since finishing grad school is like a night & day conversation. My confidence in myself is one thing that still astonishes me.

"I wouldn't be where I am today without BBG," she added in another post. "Cardio and strength training are always pitted against one another, but the truth is our bodies flourish when they have a bit of everything!"

Put Yourself First

Gabrielle May has become a poster child for the BBG program and the results it can deliver. But a physical transformation was the last thing this Aussie Mom had on her mind before she started her first week of training.

"I started BBG because I wanted MORE for my life, not LESS of myself," she shared on Instagram. "The fact that I weigh LESS now is only a result of realizing I was already worth getting the MOST out of my days."

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Take Baby Steps

When Candice T signed up for BBG in January 2018, she planned to cancel her membership after the one-week free trial was over. "But after just a day of using the app, I signed up for the whole year," she tells Shape.

The mom-of-one loved that the program is designed to meet you at your fitness level. "It gave me the confidence to go the 'guy' side of the gym and hold my own," she shares. Not only did Candice lose weight, but she also gained strength, confidence, and new friends. "I'm so glad I signed up and I tell everyone I know about it," she shares. "My 3-year-old daughter even recognizes the pink sweat logo and calls it 'exercising'."

Related:How to Wake Up Early for a Morning Workout, According to Women Who Do It at 4 A.M.

Everyone Starts Somewhere

Consistency is the single most important thing when it comes to reaching your health goals and that's something Amina Barnes learned through the BBG program.

"As someone who struggled with emotional eating and random spurts of exercise, I could never picture myself sticking to a workout program or healthy eating regimen," she wrote on Instagram. "But please know that it doesn't matter if you can't picture the finish line as long as you START somewhere. I'm so happy and grateful I started with the BBG program and can't wait to train and motivate so many more women to find strength and love for themselves!"

(Did you know that Joining an Online Support Group Could Help You Finally Meet Your Goals?)

Lifestyle Changes Are Necessary

Megan Coe started BBG in 2017 after giving birth to her third child. "I was 178 pounds & hated the way I looked. I lived on fast food, soda, and coffee," she shared. "I knew I needed to completely change my lifestyle and that's what I did."

Today, the program has helped her lose 60 pounds and feel stronger and more confident than ever going into her fourth pregnancy earlier this year.

Only You Can Put In the Work

The biggest thing MaryKate Schmidt learned from starting BBG is the importance of getting started.

"I spent too many years being unhappy with my own body—without making much change," she shared on Instagram. "I'd constantly tell myself 'I'll start Monday' or it's fine it's the 'weekend' only to be disappointed when my body didn't change or even more important my attitude toward myself remained negative."

"I personally started with Kayla Itsines' BBG guide to kick start my own journey (the best decision I ever made)," she added. "[But] regardless of what program you do, remember you are FULLY capable of changing and become the BEST you!"

Follow a Plan

It took nine months for Kara Barnhart to lose 25 pounds through the BBG and PWR programs (created by trainer Kelsey Wells) on the SWEAT app and she hasn't looked back since. (Try this Arms & Abs PWR Program workout to get a taste.)

"This journey is a roller coaster man and I wouldn't trade it for the world," she wrote on Instagram. "My new lifestyle makes me feel so ALIVE and I'm never going to quit on myself again. So thankful for BBG for getting my head in the game and for giving me a plan to conquer."

It's Not Always About the Physical Changes

It took years of doing BBG for Giulia to realize that thin does not always equal healthy. Today, after completing several rounds of BBG and PWR, she's gained muscle and appreciates her body in ways she never thought she could.

"Self-love doesn't come from having abs, but from feeling capable, empowered, strong, and happy," she wrote on Instagram. "It comes from appreciating our body and mind and taking care of them. We are all extraordinary humans, we all deserve it, and we have the duty to take care of our health. Thanks to Kayla Itsines and her BBG program to have pushed me to make the change."

Make It Convenient

For Cheidza Nziramasanga (aka @seattle_squats), a full-time working mom, responsibilities and distractions kept getting in the way of her workouts. But BBG helped change that. "I love the BBG program because it can be done from home and allows me to get in a great workout in a short amount of time," she tells Shape. "The workouts are challenging but I feel so accomplished after."

Related:10 Ways to Sneak In a Workout (Even When You're Crazy-Busy)

It's Not About the Numbers On the Scale

Brittany Cook turned to BBG six weeks after giving birth. Even though she started the program as a way to lose weight, it ended up being so much more than that.

"Not only did the workouts help me physically, but they helped me mentally prepare for long days ahead taking care of kids," she tells Shape. "When I started following the program and committed to waking up every morning before my family, I started seeing the true transformation unfold. I am a better mom, wife, and friend because of BBG."

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Read the original article on Shape.