12 Of The Fanciest Foods You Might Be Surprised To Find At Dollar Tree

Dollar tree interior
Dollar tree interior - ZikG/Shutterstock

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It's no surprise that food prices are high and grocery budgets are tight. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2022 saw a historic 11% increase in retail food prices. And although this growth is expected to slow, prices aren't likely to drop any time soon.

What's slightly more shocking, however, is that budget retailers like Dollar Tree are coming to our rescue. A 2023 study by the American Journal of Public Health found that dollar stores are one of the fastest-growing types of food retailers in the United States. With expanding selections, accessible locations, and much more reasonable prices, these budget retailers are giving traditional grocery chains a run for their money.

Don't worry, Dollar Tree food options have come a long way from the off-brand chips and stale bread you've come to expect. You can find some true culinary delights gracing the shelves nowadays, including wild-caught salmon and non-dairy milk. Dollar Tree has stepped up its game; so let's review some of your best frugal but fancy food options available at the chain

Read more: 10 Frozen Foods You Should Always Buy At Aldi

Marcel's Modern Pantry Oat Milk

oat milk carton
oat milk carton - Marcel

Oat milk lovers will know that this popular non-dairy beverage is often seen as a premium choice. Just ordering a latte or seasonal drink made with this type of non-dairy will cost you 70 cents extra or more at many popular coffee shops. And buying oat milk at a regular grocery store doesn't offer much in terms of savings, either. Many popular brands cost around $5-6 per half gallon. Oat milk may be delicious, but it is certainly more expensive than cow's milk and not necessarily for the budget-conscious. Until now, that is.

You can find Marcel's Modern Pantry Oat Milk on the shelves of many Dollar Tree locations across the country. This shelf-stable oat beverage is a wonderful option for anyone who can't tolerate, or simply doesn't like, traditional dairy milk. Plus, it's free from added sugars and contains calcium and B vitamins. If you want to make a delicious plant-based latte at home, you can luckily find this high-quality oat milk at your local Dollar Tree.

Chicken Of The Sea Wild-Caught Skinless And Boneless Pink Salmon

salmon packet
salmon packet - Chicken of the Sea

High-quality salmon is a food for the elite, right? Sushi, poached salmon, and lox — these popular dishes feature everyone's favorite fatty fish, but they're not exactly known for being affordable, either.

But salmon is less costly and more accessible than ever, thanks to Dollar Tree. Salmon packets like Chicken of the Sea Wild-Caught Skinless and Boneless Pink Salmon are easy to find and a more budget-friendly option, as far as seafood goes. Plus, these packets can be used in many of the same ways you would use regular salmon. Serve this salmon packet over greens with a classic French vinaigrette for a fancy meal that doesn't break the bank, or flake it over avocado toast.

This is great news for your taste buds, and even better news for your health, because this popular pink fish is well-studied for its nutritional benefits. A 2023 meta-analysis published by the Annals of Translational Medicine found fish consumption, including salmon, to be associated with many positive health outcomes, such as reduced cancer risk and improved cardiovascular health.

7 Days Soft Croissants With Vanilla Flavored Filling

packaged croissant
packaged croissant - 7 Days Snacks

You don't have to blow your budget on a flight to Paris the next time a croissant craving strikes. With a quick trip to your local Dollar Tree, you'll have these Soft Croissants with Vanilla-Flavored Filling from 7 Days in your hands in no time.

Known for their flakey layers and buttery richness, croissants may not have originated in France after all. Some records indicate this beloved pastry may have evolved from an Austrian pastry called the kipferl. It wasn't until 1915 that the first French croissant recipe was recorded. But regardless of where and when that first croissant was baked, almost everyone can agree they're delicious, refined, and sometimes hard to come by.

You have your nearest Dollar Tree to thank for making this tasty baked good a little more accessible. These fancy, filled croissants from 7 Days Snacks may not have the lamination to rival fresh-baked Parisian pastries, but they're certain to satisfy in a pinch.

Bibigo Steamed Pork & Vegetable Dumplings

steamed dumpling box
steamed dumpling box - Bibigo

There are few things in this world more satisfying than a dish consisting of meat and vegetables wrapped in dough, such as dumplings. These classic savory bundles are staples in households across America and beyond. Many different types of dumplings span cultures and cuisines and come in different flavor profiles. Whether your preferred version is sweet, savory, fried, or steamed, dumplings are almost universally enjoyed and traditionally a bit laborious to prepare. Many people would be more likely to purchase dumplings from a restaurant, rather than make them themselves.

The good news is that those of us with less time, money, and cooking skills can still enjoy this delicious food at home. These Steamed Pork and Vegetable Dumplings from Bibigo are available at Dollar Tree, at the time of writing. Pair them with a tangy soy dipping sauce and you'll have a fancy and satisfying dinner at home that's quick and easy to prepare.

Colonna Japanese Style Panko Bread Crumbs

container of breadcrumbs
container of breadcrumbs - Colonna Brothers

Panko-style breadcrumbs are elevated, as far as breadcrumbs are concerned. This type of breadcrumbs is known to produce a fried texture and taste without actual frying. Additionally, panko breadcrumbs absorb less oil than some other types, which may further enhance the taste of your dishes. Panko breadcrumbs are light and crisp. Try using panko in place of regular breadcrumbs on top of mac and cheese for extra crunch, or make French toast sticks with a panko coating. If you want to take any breaded recipe from sad to satisfying, panko breadcrumbs might be the key.

Swapping regular breadcrumbs for panko can make all the difference to the taste and texture of your recipes. While this may lead you to believe you'll have to pay a premium price for these fancy breadcrumbs, the swap is surprisingly budget-friendly. You can find these Colonna Japanese-Style Panko Bread Crumbs at Dollar Tree for just over $1. The breadcrumbs come in a 7-ounce container that will last you many meals, so expect your dollar to be stretched even further.

Breckenridge Farms Stuffed Green Olives

jar of olives
jar of olives - Breckenridge Farms

A good olive serves many important culinary purposes; it may be used as a cocktail garnish, charcuterie element, or flavor enhancer for an otherwise boring salad. Olives are a deliciously fancy ingredient and appetizer, but they're not necessarily known as a staple for people on a budget.

That's all changing thanks to Dollar Tree, where you can get these Breckenridge Farms Green Olives stuffed with minced pimientos. This is good news for you and your dinner party guests since these tiny fermented morsels are known for their impressive health benefits too, according to a 2020 review published by the Journal of Nutritional Science. Table olives (even of the dollar store variety) contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin E, and other phytochemicals. Eating olives may help protect against cardiovascular disease and reduce inflammation too. An undoubtedly healthy and fancy food, olives can now be enjoyed by anyone on any budget.

Duchess Chocolate Frosted Donuts

frosted donut bag
frosted donut bag - Carolina Foods Inc.

If you're thinking about fancy foods, frosted donuts may not be the first to come to mind. But these dollar-store Chocolate Frosted Donuts are of surprisingly high quality, with an even longer shelf life.

That's likely because Carolina Foods, the company that makes Duchess Brand snacks, is dedicated to quality and innovation. Operating since 1934, this family-owned business manufactures many varieties of individually wrapped baked goods, including these tasty donuts and other options like honey buns, baked pies, and pastries. The company claims to be volume-driven, but one bite of these frosted donuts proves these dollar store treats can be satisfying too. The Dollar Tree price might get you trying these delicious donuts, but their taste is what will keep you coming back for more.

If you want to add more elegance to your Duchess donuts experience, pair them with a homemade slow cooker pumpkin spice latte or serve with a steaming cup of English breakfast tea.

Pampa Smoked Oysters In Sunflower Oil

canned smoked oysters
canned smoked oysters - Pampa

Tinned fish is all the rage on TikTok, and for good reason. Its unique flavor and effortless prep can upgrade any dip, pasta, or hors d'oeuvres. And thanks to Dollar Trees across the country, you can add smoked oysters to your menu now too.

Canned oysters might seem unusual, but they're surprisingly delicious and versatile. One of the easiest ways to impress your dinner guests is to toss them in a simple seafood pasta or stew. Or, you can mix them with cream cheese and your favorite fresh herbs for a creamy, smokey dip that will elevate any appetizer table. If you're feeling extra fancy, you could always smoke your own oysters at home. But we love this dollar store canned option for ease and convenience.

These Pampa Smoked Oysters in Sunflower Oil are not just tasty, they're surprisingly nutritious too. One can provide an impressive 10 grams of protein and about half of your daily iron needs. According to Cleveland Clinic, they're rich in micronutrients like zinc, vitamin B12, and selenium.

Strawberry Preserves

strawberry jam jar
strawberry jam jar - Dollar Tree

Nothing enhances a slice of toast and butter like a thick spread of strawberry preserves. And now, you can enjoy this simple pleasure on a budget, because Dollar Tree is stocking this 16-ounce jar of Strawberry Preserves for only $1.25.

Strawberry preserves certainly sound like a fancier version of your everyday jams and jellies, but what's the difference? The distinction is more in the final texture than the preparation process. Preserves are made similarly to jam, where the fruit is cooked down with water and sugar until it reaches the right temperature for canning. Preserves are made with whole fruit versus the pureed fruit of jam or the fruit juice of jelly. That means the final texture has bigger fruit pieces, and more of a rustic, homemade texture.

Strawberry preserves are the perfect topper for toast and scones, of course. But for a truly fancy experience, add them to baked brie for a delicious sweet and savory snack, or whisk them into a simple vinaigrette for a fruity flair.

Pillsbury Traditional Chocolate Cake Mix

chocolate cake mix
chocolate cake mix - Pillsbury

There's nothing more luxurious than a rich, homemade chocolate cake that took hours to bake and assemble. Lucky for all of us, Pillsbury is helping us cheat the experience at home with a cake that tastes almost as good, with a fraction of the work and grocery bill.

Pillsbury has been in business since 1869. Known for its crescent rolls, cookie dough, and the much-beloved toaster strudel, the company has been helping Americans enjoy warm baked goods for well over a century. Its culinary team includes expert chefs, cookbook authors, and dietitians, ensuring every cake mix and frozen dough that reaches grocery shelves is tested and reliable. Pillsbury's mission is to help families make memories through food and time spent baking, and it strives to be a trusted source of consistent products and tasty recipes.

The Pillsbury Traditional Chocolate Cake Mix from Dollar Tree is a foolproof way to bring rich chocolate cake to your family's birthdays and celebrations. You can upgrade the boxed recipe to give your family a near-homemade experience.

Olive Garden Signature Italian Dressing

single serving vinaigrettes
single serving vinaigrettes - Olive Garden

If you've ever wondered why the internet is overflowing with copycat recipes for Olive Garden's Signature Italian Dressing, it's because it's deliciously creamy and perfectly balanced. A garden salad is only as good as the dressing it's slathered with, and Olive Garden's signature recipe has been helping Americans crave a simple bowl of vegetables for decades.

But what makes this vinaigrette so tasty and beloved? It's simply got the right ingredients in the right quantities, tested and perfected by the restaurant's development team. This dressing contains all the usual suspects — oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, and spices — so it's perhaps the addition of Romano cheese that gives this blend that uniquely savory and crave-worthy flavor. Either way, we're happy to see Dollar Tree is keeping it stocked.

If you want to impress your family and friends, elevate your homemade salads the Olive Garden way. Choose fresh ingredients, add a generous drizzle of this signature Italian dressing, and pop a few pepperoncini peppers on top for an extra bite.

Mrs. Miller's Homemade Hot Pepper Jelly

pepper jelly jar
pepper jelly jar - Mrs. Miller's

Pepper jelly is a strange, but delectable staple on charcuterie boards across America. It's generally made from a mixture of sugar, bell peppers, hot peppers, vinegar, and spices.

This sweet and spicy condiment is the perfect accompaniment to smoked cheddar or fresh brie. But there's a surprisingly long list of other ways to put this strange jelly to use. Some enthusiasts suggest mixing hot pepper jelly with cream cheese or sour cream for a simple dip. Others swear by using pepper jelly as a delicious ice cream topping. We also love the idea of spreading your English muffin with a thin layer of hot pepper jelly before topping it with bacon, egg, and cheese at breakfast. Thanks to Dollar Tree, we can all start experimenting with the best ways to use Mrs. Miller's Homemade Hot Pepper Jelly without stressing over our budget.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.