12 Brit + Co Illustrations to Help You Become a Better Cook

While some folks are totally cool with having takeout on the reg, others watch cooking shows with the hope of someday being able to whip up a dinner like Giada or bake a pie like Ina. A little practice goes a long way, and though you may never get to host your own show, your family and friends will at least tell you that you could with the help of these graphics full of our best Brit + Co tips and tricks in the kitchen.

1. Know your ancient grains. Becoming familiar with ancient grains and each of their health benefits is extremely useful. They can be used in a variety of things, like breads, desserts, salads, and grain bowls, adding a punch of fiber and protein where needed.

2. Master the grill. If you can successfully grill fish, you can successfully grill anything. Fish is delicate, but those char marks and the smokey flavor that comes with it is oh-so-worth it.

3. Whip up five-ingredient smoothies. Smoothies are the perfect way to fuel up and get your day started, especially if you aren’t the type to make time for a more elaborate egg breakfast. Having the same blend every day can easily become a snore, so make sure to keep things exciting with multiple combinations on hand.

4. Know your cooking oils. What once seemed like an easy decision between vegetable oil and canola oil has become a head-scratcher thanks to avocado oil, coconut oil, and other healthier oil choices that are now available. Some are meant for high-heat cooking while others are more for drizzling, so learning the difference is essential.

5. Spice things up. An issue many amateur cooks struggle with is lack of seasoning; nobody wants bland meats or veggies! Knowing how much spice to use and, more importantly, which spices play well together, can help you take your dishes to the next level.

6. Make your own bread. Making your own bread may sound intimidating, but it’s incredibly easy. Once you’ve got the basics down, you’ll be able to do it with your eyes closed. You’ll love having fresh bread to go with every chili, stew, and soup you serve. Move over, Martha.

7. Make friends with salad. All it takes is a simple formula to come up with your own off-the-charts salad creations. Include your fave leafy greens; top them with something crunchy, something sweet, and something tangy; and finish it off with a homemade vinaigrette. Having this trick up your sleeve will help you say goodbye to dull lunches and side dishes forever.

8. Cook foolproof fish in parchment. Fish is fabulous and healthy and all, but cooking it can be terrifying because overcooked fish is truly dreadful. Luckily, this easy-to-learn method guarantees flavor and moisture, giving you a lip-smacking fish dinner every time.

9. Take it easy with five-ingredient meals. When you don’t feel like cooking or running to the grocery store to get ingredients for cooking, recipes that call for minimal ingredients are a total godsend. The best part? Most of them are quick and easy!

10. Get down with plant-based proteins. Once you’ve mastered the art of crisping up tofu and incorporating chickpeas into your stews, Meatless Mondays will be a total breeze — and you’ll actually look forward to them.

11. Make yourself a beautiful bowl. Now that you’re brimming with foodie knowledge, you can bring everything you know about ancient grains, vegetarian proteins, and salad-making together to create an Instagram-worthy grain bowl for lunch or dinner.

12. Perfect your sundae. Finally, dessert. Even if you’re not much of a baker, you’ll be able to whip up one mean sundae with these five drool-worthy variations.

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(Illustrations via Brit + Co)