Strengthen and Protect Your Back With These 5 Bodyweight Back Exercises

Strengthen and Protect Your Back With These 5 Bodyweight Back Exercises

Sure, abs workouts may be top of your toning to-do list. But when it comes to building a strong core, you don’t want to forget about your back (which is part of your core, FYI). If it’s not as strong as your stomach, it could mess with your alignment by making you lean forward instead of staying upright and cause muscle imbalances, which overtime can lead to injuries.

Since a major reason for working on your core is to be able to stand taller and properly transfer weight between your upper and lower body—a key to strength training—it’s important to work both sides of your torso.

Back exercises improve posture, strengthen underactive muscles, and even boost your performance in big lifting moves (think: deadlifts and squats). Plus a strong back can help you conquer your daily life so much better: It directly helps with walking, running, and picking up and carrying groceries. A strong overall core also reduces, eliminates, and even prevents lower back pain. What’s more, you don't need intense equipment or a gym to build your back—all you need is your own bodyweight. Ready to give your back some much deserved attention? Try our favorite, effective bodyweight back exercises.

Time: 20 minutes

Equipment: None

Good for: Back

Instructions: To create a full bodyweight back workout, choose 5 to 6 moves below. Complete four sets of 12 to 15 reps of each move, rest for a minute, then continue to the next move.

(Kathryn Wirsing)

A strong posterior chain is the foundation of solid running form.