12 Beauty Brands Making the Whole Sustainability Thing Easy

Photo credit: Anna Efetova
Photo credit: Anna Efetova

Welcome to week two of Cosmo’s Clean Beauty Month! On the agenda: a crash course on sustainable beauty brands. Your first lesson? To repeat after me when I say that progress is more important than perfection. Really. If you’re already panicked about how to make your entire routine sustainable, you don’t need to be, because ultimately, one of the best sustainable steps you can take is just becoming more mindful of your beauty-buying habits. You know, the ones that are directly related to the health of our planet (aka all those shampoo bottles floating around in the middle of the ocean didn’t just appear out of nowhere).

So before you drop any cash on your next face cream or lipstick, stop for a sec and ask yourself: Is the company I’m shopping from doing something (anything?) to protect the Earth? If the answer is yes, go forth, bb. If the answer is no—or you’re not even sure—you might want to consider switching to some new eco-friendly brands, like these 12 below.

Although this is by no means a comprehensive list of every sustainable brand in existence, these brands—and their top-rated products—are currently making big moves when it comes to sustainability, which means you should definitely know about them.

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

Sustainable skincare and body treatments

From drugstore staples to indie gems, the number of environmentally conscious skincare and body-care products out there is (1) impressive and (2) slightly overwhelming. So to help you kick things off, I’ve highlighted my four favorite skin and body products below.

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

Sustainable makeup

Gone are the days of eco-friendly makeup being, well, un-makeup-y. These brands deliver big on color, texture, and performance and create packaging that won’t contribute to our planet’s ginormous plastic problem. See? We can all win here.

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

Sustainable hair products

Whether you’ve got stick-straight strands or 4c curls, there are plenty of sustainable options to choose from for your hair arsenal. Start your ~journey~ by adding one (or all!) of these brands into your routine—I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

Sure, it’s easy to load up your vanity with all the sustainable products and call it good, but ideally, you learn a little somethin’ along the way too. Which is why I tapped eco-activist Leah Thomas for a few easy steps (beyond buying from eco-conscious brands) that you can take to be more sustainable. Here, the top three to remember:

In the end, it’s really about doing something rather than doing nothing at all. And yes, that can even include swapping a few of your favorite beauty products for sustainable alternatives. Every little change helps.

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