11 Ways to Exercise and Burn Calories on a Busy Schedule

Leave your excuses behind; there are ways to exercise on a busy schedule. I know, you’re thinking it’s not possible… you have kids to take care of, you work too many hours, and the gym is just too far away. Well, think about the down time you have after work or the time you have while the kids are at school. It is possible to take an hour out of your day to devote it to your fitness.

Slideshow: 11 Ways to Exercise and Burn Calories on a Busy Schedule

Okay, I get it…Sometimes we really don’t have any time. If that is truly your reality, there are ways you can incorporate exercise into your day without having to go to the gym.

Think about it…Are you really too busy to boost your overall health, lift your mood, prevent disease, and increase your energy? I didn’t think so. The benefits of exercise are endless.

Getting in just a few minutes of exercise in the morning will fire up your metabolism and give you energy for the day ahead. A few workouts during your workday will help improve your memory and boost your brain power, ultimately resulting in you getting more done. Exercising at night will help promote relaxation and ease the stresses of the day.

11 Ways to Exercise and Burn Calories on a Busy Schedule

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