12 Rewarding Plants to Grow in June for a Colorful Summer Garden

vegetable garden
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Things start heating up in your garden when summer rolls around. Oftentimes, gardeners think that Memorial Day weekend is their last chance to relish in planting for quite some time, but if you're willing to put in the work, there are plenty of heat-loving, drought-tolerant plants out there to start growing in June for a vibrant summer garden. Plus, June is the perfect time to give your green space a little extra care and get a head start on your autumnal garden. Just try to carve out time in the morning or evening to do your tending!

As summer brings more time spent outdoors, dining al fresco, and weekends away, a thriving garden at both your primary residence and a vacation home is important for creating a beautiful backdrop for intimate barbecues and outdoor happy hours this season. Here's what to plant in June for beautiful flowers and edibles all summer long.


Native to West Africa, okra thrives in the hot days of summer. The warm-season fruit (yes, it's actually a fruit) matures in 60 days when planted in regions with temperatures over 80°F during the day. It's best to pick the okra when it's around three inches long because it tends to become chewy and lose a lot of its unique grassy flavor as it gets bigger.

close up plant of okra
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Peppers of All Kinds

Though peppers do best when they are first grown indoors then transplanted to the garden, you can also purchase some from a local nursery to transplant yourself for a quick, rewarding summer harvest. Peppers thrive best in a soil temperature above 70°F, so be sure to hold off until your last chilly days are gone if you live in a colder climate. Pick them as soon as they are your desired size and color for spicing up homemade salsa or a fresh-from-the-garden fajita night. Both bell pepper and jalapeños thrive well in Hardiness Zones 5–11, but bell peppers can still fare well in Hardiness Zone 4, so long as the soil is the right temperature.

red cilli peppers growing in flower pot close up
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Opting for a summer-hardy annual wildflower is an excellent way to extend a colorful summer garden into the fall. We're partial to cosmos for their whimsical, romantic blooms and the fact that they are pollinators, attracting bees, butterflies, and bird to our gardens. These babies are a great option for those in USDA Hardiness Zones 2–11 and come in a wide variety of colors.

close up of pink flowering plants on field
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Sage and Other Heat-Loving Herbs

Bring some aromatics and flavor to your summer garden with heat-loving herbs this season. Sage, along with basil, oregano, and thyme, are excellent choices for summer planting and pairing with all the tomatoes and eggplants that are soon to be bountiful throughout your vegetable garden! Those in USDA Hardiness Zones 3–10 will find great success with these fragrant plants this month.

close up of sage growing in garden
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When we think of tropical flowers, we often think of hibiscus and bougainvillea, but gladiolus is also an excellent tropical bloom to bring color and height to your summer garden. Those living in USDA Hardiness Zones 7–11 can start planting these colorful flowers now after the last spring frost, those in zone 7 will just need to dig up their plants in the fall to be stored and replanted again in the spring.

close up image of the beautiful summer flowering vibrant red gladiolus flowers with purple verbena bonariensis flower also known as 'purpletop' or south american vervain
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Canna Lilies

The Canna lily is another gorgeous bloom with tropical ancestry that is fit for a whimsical summer garden. Both the flowers and foliage come in a variety of colors to best accent the lovely plants you've been growing through the spring. Canna lilies thrive best in USDA Hardiness Zones 7–11 but can still be a fun seasonal option for those in zones 6 and below. Those in the latter group will just have to dig up their Cannas in late fall before the first hard freeze. Those in zone 7 will want to consider adding a layer of straw or leaf mulch after the first harsh fall frost to best protect their Cannas.

close up of pink flowering plants
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Corn is a great bet for a quick and rewarding summer harvest. This fast-growing crop thrives well in USDA Hardiness Zones 3–10 and will make an excellent addition to your summer meals. Start with a small plot of corn and slowly expand for the best results.

field of green corn during summer
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Dahlias are a lovely choice for summer as they thrive in full sun and hot climates. While most popular in zones 8–11, those in zones 2–7 can plant these right at the start of June and treat as annuals or dig them up to store through the winter and early spring. What we love most about dahlias is they can bring anywhere from 2-to 15-inch blossoms in an array of bright and jewel-toned colors.

close up of fresh pink flowers blooming in field
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Few produce is more rewarding during a long, hot summer than a cooling melon, and now is a great time to start planting them if you haven't already. Cantaloupes thrive best in Hardiness Zones 5–11 while watermelon can thrive in 3–11. Just be sure that your soil temperature has hit above 60°F for cantaloupes and above 70°F for watermelons before planting your seeds for the season.

baby watermelon
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While fresh herbs will certainly bring a lovely aroma to your outdoor space, take things one step further with lavender. This beautiful plant is summer-hardy, fragrant, and attracts pollinators, making it an excellent choice for nearly any garden. Late spring is an ideal time to plant, starting with young plants as the soil is warming up for the season. Lavender thrives best outdoors in Hardiness Zones 5–9, but those in warmer climates just need to take a little extra care of these blooms in winter.

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Summer and Winter Squash

Whether you're a fan of acorn squash or zucchini, now is a great time to plant both summer and winter squash. Planting summer varietals now will lend to a lovely harvest in the latter half of the season, while planting the wintry varietals now will help reward you with a bountiful autumn harvest. USDA Hardiness Zones 3–10 are excellent places to start planting your summer squashes, while Zones 3–9 are best for the winter ones.

close up of woman hands picking zucchini at vegetable garden
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