11 Year Old Boy Taking Dog to Crufts

11 Year Old Boy Taking Dog to Crufts
11 Year Old Boy Taking Dog to Crufts

(Picture Credit: Sally Anscombe / Getty Images)

When 11-year-old Reuben Parrish came home from school to find a pet dog to help him cope with the loss of his grandad two years ago, he might not have thought they’d end up taking part in Crufts. But that’s just what’s happening this year.

Reuben, from the town of Grimsby in the north of England, soon became best friends with Springerdoodle Vega. The pup began obedience and agility classes, and impressed the trainer, who suggested the pair start competing. 

For almost a year, they’ve taken part in competitions across the UK. However, this is set to be the biggest yet. 

Four Different Disciplines

With the Young Kennel Club, the pair are competing across four different disciplines: Pre-beginners obedience, rally team obedience, Good Citizens Dogs Training Scheme special pre-beginners, and pairs agility. And they’re already guaranteed first or second place in the Good Citizens competition. 

“After my granddad died, I needed somebody to help me with my emotions. And, we were already looking for a dog. 10 days later, I came home to find her waiting for me in a box,” Reuben explained to the Grimsby Telegraph.

“I was a bit shocked, but I could hear a bark and there were stair gates around the house. So I had an idea something was going on.” 

From Classes to Crufts

Vega first began the classes to calm her down. But also, to be an assistance dog for Reuben’s mom, Kate.

“Vega was crazy when we first got her so we started going to classes to help calm her down and so she could help mum,” said Reuben. “With her being a Covid puppy, it meant she didn’t get to meet a lot of people so the classes were helpful. 

“Then my trainer suggested I take the obedience and agility further and thankfully Vega took to it quickly, more because she wanted the treats than anything.”

And now, they’ve qualified for Crufts. 

“I was really shocked when we qualified, it was such a surprise. I couldn’t believe how quickly Vega had learned everything,” he said. “It’s nice to know all our hard work was worth it. And I’m also happy that I get to miss some days of school. It’s been harder than people might think though, as enjoyable as it’s been running up and down with Vega.”

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