11 essentials you need to create your own coffee bar at home

 Bean to cup coffee machine pouring into a glass mug.
Bean to cup coffee machine pouring into a glass mug.

It’s International Coffee Day! The annual celebration is a way to pay tribute to coffee… and what better way to do that than by creating your own coffee bar?

Whether you’re a best pod coffee machine user or a best bean to cup coffee machine aficionado, enjoying a hot or iced cup of coffee is one of life’s few pleasures. Having a coffee to start your day gives you a quick burst of energy, warms the body and tastes delicious – everything you need before a busy day ahead.

Visiting cafes and local coffee shops is a nice indulgence but the cost of living crisis certainly isn’t. Investing in quality coffee-making equipment means you can make tasty barista-style drinks from the comfort of your own home which can help you save money on takeaway drinks in the long run.

So, to celebrate International Coffee Day, here are 11 essentials you need to make your own coffee bar in your home.

What you need to make the ultimate coffee bar

Sage Barista Touch Impress

If you’re looking for a bean-to-cup coffee machine, the Sage Barista Touch Impress is the best one you can buy. With a built-in bean hopper and grinder, steam wand and Auto MilQ settings, this Sage coffee machine makes all your favourite coffee drinks and it looks good as it does it. Read our 5-star Sage Barista Touch Impress review for more.

Nespresso Vertuo Plus

For those who prefer the speed and convenience of pods, the Nespresso Vertuo Plus is our favourite pod coffee machine. This fuss-free machine is easy to use, makes different types of capsule coffee and it fits nicely into any kitchen, regardless of its size or (lack of) counter space. Nespresso is also a very reliable and affordable brand, so we couldn’t recommend it more. See why in our Nespresso Vertuo Plus review.

Smeg Electric Coffee Grinder

Grinding your own coffee beans makes a world of difference to the quality and taste of your coffee. Once you’ve selected your favourite coffee beans (we’ve included a good option below), pop them into the Smeg Electric Coffee Grinder and watch it whizz away. With 30 bean grinding levels to choose from, this coffee grinder gets the most flavour and intensity out of each bean for a flavourful coffee every time.


For espresso fans, the AeroPress is going to become your favourite coffee gadget. Using 3-in-1 brewing technology, the AeroPress sits over your mug and its pressure and micro-filtration pushes water through the grinds. It makes intense and fresh coffee and takes the grit and bitterness out of it at the same time.

Le Creuset Stoneware Coffee Press

Bulk making coffee when people come to visit is never fun, but it’s made far easier if you have a cafetiere, like the Le Creuset Stoneware Coffee Press. Available in a range of beautiful colours, this coffee press is easy to use and all you have to do is make a batch of coffee before pushing the lid down to extract the flavour.

OXO Brew Pour Over Coffee Maker

Complete your coffee set-up with the best pour over kettle, the OXO Brew Pour Over Coffee Maker. The water tank precisely and evenly releases water to cover the coffee grounds and the auto-drip tank controls the water flow rate for a consistent brew every time.

Nespresso Aeroccino 4

You can’t have a coffee without milk, and the Nespresso Aeroccino 4 is the best milk frother to buy. It can be used with dairy, soy, oat and almond milk, and quickly froths and foams your milk for lattes, cappuccinos and much more. The design looks pretty cool too so you’ll want to keep it out on your coffee bar all the time.

Oliver Bonas Ceramic Mug

A coffee bar would be incomplete without coffee mugs. The Oliver Bonas Ceramic Mug looks great on display, but it has a 250ml capacity, making it a good size for comforting mugs of tea or coffee. It’s nice and easy to hold, and you can find plenty of fun designs on the Oliver Bonas website.

Pact Coffee Beans

To use in your bean-to-cup coffee machine or bean grinder, pick good quality coffee beans from reliable brands, like Pact. Pact has whole bean, grounds and pods available, and offers a subscription service where you can save money each month on your bean orders, so you’re always stocked up.

MONIN Syrups

Adding flavour to your coffee is easy with MONIN syrups. This brand of syrup is always available at local coffee shops and they’re often found in Starbucks and Costa Coffee. There are so many flavours to choose from, including vanilla, hazelnut, caramel, chai, pumpkin spice and much more, plus they’re super affordable.


For decoration and practicality, don’t forget a stack of coasters for your home coffee bar. They help prevent water and stain rings on your table, and with so many different designs available, you can add fun, colour and patterns to jazz up your coffee nook. Marble, slate and wood coasters are our personal favourites.