11 Brilliant Uses for Bundt Pans

Sure, you can use a Bundt pan to whip up a deliciously dense cake with that distinctive donut shape. But you can use these pans, which come in a variety of sizes and shapes, for more than just cakes! We rounded up 11 clever uses for Bundt pans, from helpful food prep to handy home organization. These Bundt pan uses are so helpful, you’ll wish you'd known about them sooner!

1. Bundt pans make it easy to cook rotisserie-style chicken

The secret to making your a delicious rotisserie chicken like the ones sold at grocery stories is cooking it on a vertical roaster, which is key to giving the chicken crispy skin and moist meat. Rather than buy yet another kitchen gadget, enlist the help of a Bundt pan! To do, simply season the chicken and place it upright over the tube of a Bundt pan set inside a roasting pan. Much like a rotisserie, the Bundt allows heat to circulate the chicken for similar results.

2. They keep craft supplies organized

Bundt pan being used to hold art supplies
Bundt pan being used to hold art supplies

“I do a lot of arts and crafts with my kids, and nothing is worse than not being able to find the supplies to create them,” shares David Bakke, of money-saving website DollarSanity. “That's where a Bundt pan fits in perfectly. It's functional, it's sturdy, and if you get some stains or anything on the pan from your various supplies, clean up is a breeze.” It’s great for holding everything from buttons and clothespins to ribbons and felt, and the hole in the center is ideal for storing scissors or paintbrushes.

3. Bundt pans make it a cinch to remove corn from the cob

woman removing kernels from corn on the cob into a bundt pan
Jeff R Clow/Getty Images

You need to cut the kernels off a corn cob to add to your salad. Try this to cut down on mess: Place the Bundt pan on the counter, open side up; hold the cob on top of the pan’s center. Then, slice down the cob with a knife. The kernels will fall into the pan and stay contained. Problem solved! Prefer eating your corn on the cob? Check out these secrets to your best corn on the cob!)

4. They double as a festive wreath

For a low-cost fall wreath, upcycle an old Bundt pan (or pick one up at a thrift store)! Spray paint the pan orange and let dry, then shape a few pieces of burlap or ribbon into a bow. Slip another length of ribbon through the center of the bundt pan, tie at the top, and attach the bows to the ribbon, using hot glue or a piece of string. Use another length of string or a hook to hang your wreath, open side against the door. Beautiful!

See the crafting pros at SouthernAdornmentsDecor make a pumpkin Bundt pan wreath here:

5. Bundt pans wind-proof a dog’s water bowl

Bundt pan serving as a windproof water dish
Bundt pan serving as a windproof water dish

There’s always a water bowl outside for when your sweet dog gets thirsty, but on windy days, it ends up getting blown across the lawn, leaving your dog water-less. To prevent this, swap out his usual dish for an old Bundt pan. Simply fill the pan with water and drive a stake (found at home-improvement stores) through the hole in the center of the pan, pushing it into the grass. No matter how windy it gets, the bowl will stay put — and full of water!

6. They double as outdoor centerpieces

Bundt pan uses: Bundt pan used as a planter in the center of a patio table

You want to add a pretty centerpiece to your patio table, but the umbrella pole mid-table makes placement impossible, plus, the display can blow away on windy days. The secret: Use a Bundt pan! Choose a pan with a center hole larger than the width of the pole. Next, fill the pan with whatever you want, from fresh or faux flowers to succulents or pretty garden herbs or plants. Slip the umbrella pole through the center of the Bundt pan and voilà!

7. Bundt pans keep stuffed peppers mess-free

Bundt pan being used to make stuffed peppers
Bundt pan being used to make stuffed peppers

The last time you pulled stuffed peppers out of the oven, the veggies were tipped and the stuffing was all over the baking sheet! The reason? Heat nixes the natural moisture in peppers, so the hot oven temperatures cause them to collapse. The simple fix? Place peppers side by side in a Bundt pan to bake. The shape of the pan and the peppers on each side will keep them upright.

8. They ensure perfectly chilled punch

Bundt pan being used to make a giant ice ring
Bundt pan being used to make a giant ice ring

At your last gathering, you served a bowl of punch, but the ice you added to keep the drink cool melted so quickly that it watered down the drink. To keep things flavorful, add a third of the punch to a Bundt pan and place in the freezer until solid. Then, when you're ready to serve, pop the giant ice ring into a bowl with the rest of your punch just before serving. It will keep the punch cold but won’t sap flavor as it melts. (Need a recipe for punch? Try these bourbon punches!)

Another fun alternative? “Fill the Bundt pan with water, add edible flowers or fruit slices, and freeze it to create decorative ice rings for pitchers,” says Norah Clark, an experienced chef and editor for Boyd Hampers.

9. Mini Bundt pans keep candles upright

Bundt pans holding candles upright
Bundt pans holding candles upright

Argh! The candles for your dinner party don’t fit your candleholders and keep wobbling around. The save: Turn mini Bundt pans upside down and slip the candles inside before light- ing as usual. They’ll hold the candles upright, plus catch any dripping wax. (Click through for 7 recipes using mini Bundt pans.)

10. Mini Bundt pans keep jewelry safe

Whenever you take off your rings to wash dishes, you worry about them accidentally falling in the sink and down the drain. To avoid any mishaps, set a mini Bundt pan next to your sink and place the rings inside. It will safely hold your jewelry until you’re ready to put it back on again.

11. Mini Bundt pans make it easy to feed birds in the winter

Bundt pan uses: Homemade bird feeder made with mini bundt pans and ice
Oksana Schmidt/AdobeStock

If you have birds that visit our yard year-round, treat them with icy ornaments that double as bird feeders! To do: Freeze 1" of water in a mini Bundt pan. Sprinkle birdseed on top of the ice, fill with another inch of water; freeze. After a few hours, add one more inch of water; freeze. Once solid, run the mold under water to release the ornament. Then tie to a tree branch with red ribbon or twine. So easy! (Prefer to buy a bird feeder? Click through for the best window bird feeders.)

A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, First For Women.

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