100 Guests Were Trapped in Agatha Christie's English Manor—And What Happened Next Was Practically Fictional

100 People Got Trapped in Agatha Christie's HomeLoop Images - Getty Images

What's the scariest thing that could happen in a home? For some, it's an alligator crawling its way through your kitchen or the snakes that are infiltrating your walls. Others might feel the hairs on the back of the necks stand straight up when they spot an ominous trap door or creepy message from a previous tenant. But, as approximately 100 people experienced last week, the creepiest thing that could happen might be getting trapped in a mysterious English country house for hours on end. (Did we mention the manor is Greenway, mystery writer Agatha Christie's home?)

On Friday, dozens of people were visiting the author's home in the English countryside when a storm knocked down a large tree—blocking the property's road to the property in the process. Britain's National Trust, which manages the historic site, released a statement on their website explaining the situation and that they were doing everything they could to make guests as comfortable as possible.

agatha christie typing at home
Bettmann - Getty Images

Still, some people could not help by draw a striking comparison to And Then There Were None, Christie's story about 10 strangers who get invited to a mysterious mansion—and are murdered one by one. In fact, one commenter encouraged stranded guests to "implement a buddy system immediately." But for anyone with a penchant for historic homes and all things mystery, this travel nightmare sounds more like a dream.

Built in the 1950s, this Georgian home was where Christie would vacation with her family. Legend has it that the author would spend a lot of her time there playing croquet. "I think the big thing about Greenway and why everyone feels so welcomed is that it has a very relaxed feeling about it," Matthew Prichard, Christie's grandson, said in a video on the author's YouTube page. While the interiors are simply stunning—think gorgeous molding everywhere—Greenway is also home to artifacts Christie amassed during an excavation in the Middle East, alongside first editions of her novels. (Speaking of which, did you know the property's boathouse made a cameo in the book Dead Man's Folly?)

Sure, getting stranded anywhere for hours is not ideal; it messes up the rest of your day and throws a wrench in everyone's plans. On the plus side, however, guests were able to enjoy the historic home in all its glory over tea. (That's right: Tea! In Agatha Christie's house! Not everyone can say they had a casual spot of tea at the home of one of the world's most prolific writers.) As one person tweeted, "Adventure in Agatha Christie's mansion!" Where do we sign up?

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