10 Tips To Help You Win Thanksgiving

Every Monday night, Bon Appétit editor in chief Adam Rapoport gives us a peek inside his brain by taking over our newsletter. He shares recipes he's been cooking, restaurants he's been eating at, and more. It gets better: If you sign up for our newsletter, you'll get this letter before everyone else.

I might never host as many Thanksgiving dinners as my mom—she’s clocked at least 40 of them—but I have edited nine Thanksgiving Issues of Bon Appétit. I’ve learned some things.

Here are my favorite lessons to help you make it through the big day.

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  1. No one has ever complained about a stuffing being too moist. When assembling, always use more stock than you think is necessary.

  2. If you’re a guest and want to leave with a leftovers, bring your own resealable containers.

  3. You don’t need six pies; you need one great pie.

  4. Roasted brussels are good. Shaved brussels are even better. Still one of my all-time fave BA recipes.

  5. Serve a second protein, especially if you’re hosting 12 or more. No one will ever scoff at a scored-and-glazed bone-in-ham.

  6. Set the table a day ahead.

  7. And make double sure you have all the serving bowls, platters, and utensils that you’ll need.

<cite class="credit">Photo by Alex Lau, food styling by Susie Theodorou, prop styling by Kalen Kaminski</cite>
Photo by Alex Lau, food styling by Susie Theodorou, prop styling by Kalen Kaminski
  1. Carla and Molly were right—creamy mashed potatoes are better when they’re also crunchy.

  2. Drippings, schmippings. Make your gravy ahead—no one will know the difference.

  3. Loaf of bread, jar of mayo. Be sure you’ve got all the fixings for your next-day sandwich—because “tomorrow” might mean 10 p.m. Thursday night after you’ve finally finished all the dishes. You’ve earned it.

Still haven’t finalized your menu? Here are our absolutely perfect Thanksgiving recipes this year:

Originally Appeared on Bon Appétit