10 Times Kristen Stewart Was the Coolest Girl on the Red Carpet

There are lots of words you could use to describe Kristen Stewart's style. But safe isn't one of them.

In the 15-plus years that the star has been dressing for the red carpet, she's become known as a glorified fashion chameleon, consistently turning up in looks that both surprise and delight in a sea full of strapless columns. Even at the most formal (and let's face it, sometimes stuffy) events, Stewart brings the cool factor.

Take for instance, her look at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, one of the most glamorous red carpets of the year. Stewart's pick? A Chanel t-shirt--that she and stylist Tara Swennen cut into a cropped top--worn with a ladylike tweed skirt. No sweeping ballgown here, and yet, she never looked better.

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"Kristen just knows how to work a carpet," says Swennen, who has been styling the actress for 12 years. "She's not fearful to try new things, in fact, it's the opposite. She really takes the opportunity to have an adventure with style."

And sometimes those adventures happen on the fly, like in the case of the Chanel t-shirt. "In the morning when she was getting dressed, Kristen and I were like, 'Can we just cut this? Will Chanel let us make it into a cropped top?' And thank god, they said yes. Immediately after, it felt more like her. The look had the playfulness that she likes."

It seems that finding that unexpected mix is the secret sauce for Stewart and her stylist. "We look for a way to put a twist on something, even if it's just a cool shoe," says Swennen. "And we are always searching for detailing that is a little bit edgier than what most people would do. But really, it's all about balance: finding a way to marry the rock and roll with the romantic."

Keep scrolling to see 10 of Stewart's best looks of all-time.