10 things you didn't know you could do with your Snapchat

10 things you didn't know you could do with snapchat
10 things you didn't know you could do on SnapchatTim Robberts - Getty Images

Given how much time we spend on Snapchat everyday (just a few hours ok 👀) and just how many of us there are, Snapchat has 363 million daily active users, you'd think we'd all be experts in it by now. But over the years the app has developed a lot of helpful features and cool hacks we had no idea about.

Ever stuck at a dinner party and have no clue about the wine you're drinking? You scan it on Snapchat and instantly become a wine expert. Or, have you ever wanted to know about the star sign of the person you're dating, but been too nervous to ask? Well, Snapchat has a feature that lets you see your astrological compatibility. Potentially daunting, but essential information.

And so, here are the top 10 things you had no idea you could with your Snapchat.

1.Learn about wine

If you want to impress your mates with facts about the latest red you're drinking, but have no clue where to start, you can actually use your Snapchat app.

Point your Snapchat cam over a wine label and it will bring up all the information about the bottle. And voila, you're practically a sommelier. Just make sure no one at the dinner party catches you.

2. Solve maths problems

Ok, I'd really wish I'd known about this when doing my maths GCSE, but we don't gatekeep here, so, did you know you can solve maths problems on Snapchat? Yep, us neither.

Simply press and hold your Snapchat camera on the equation in question and it will automatically solve it for you.

10 things you didn't know you could do on snapchat
Future Publishing - Getty Images

3. Discover everyone's favourite places to go

Ok so we all know about the Snap Map that lets you see where your friends are and what they're up to (we're pretending not to see them make their fourth trip of the week to Zara).

But did you know you can also use it to see their favourite bars, restaurants and clubs in the area? You can then add them to your favourite places by clicking on the red heart.

4. Book your nights out

Right, now that you've discovered the restaurant everyone is obsessed with via the Snap Map, you can then book a reservation by clicking on the venue and calling them directly through Snapchat.

5. Check your astrological profile

Sure you know your star sign, but what about your moon sign? And your rising sun sign too? If you don't know them or want a little refresher, you can completely dig into what the stars have in line for you by heading to your Snapchat profile, which has your full astrological profile available.

6. Check your star sign compatibility

This is very important information people! As well as finding out your own astrological profile you can also find out just how astrologically compatible you are with the person you're talking to in one click.

Head to the individual's Snapchat profile, scroll to the bottom and press on the compatibility charm to find out if it's actually meant to be.

7. Discover new artists

Ever out at a bar and you can barely hear yourself think, let alone ask your friend who is singing the incredibly cool song playing above?

Thankfully, if you use the scan feature on Snapchat and point anywhere it will tell you the artist and song playing.

10 things you didn't know you could do with snapchat
Klaus Vedfelt - Getty Images

8. Start messages from your lock screen

Sometimes you just really can't be asked to open your phone, which is why it's ideal that Snapchat allows you to send messages from your lock screen.

All you need to do is add the Snapchat widget to your lock screen.

9. Voice scan

Rather than taking ages to scroll through various lenses, you can simply use your voice to bring up your desired lens.

10. Shop your favourite brands

Using the AR lenses you can try on all the latest designer fashion such as Off White T-shirts from Farfetch without leaving the comfort of your very cosy room. Fancy.

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