10 Super Weird Talents Everyone Really Wishes They Had

weird talents lead
10 Super Weird Talents Everyone Wishes They HadDesign by Yoora Kim

Do you have a kind of weird talent that you're afraid to tell people about? Well, TELL THEM! Weird talents are actually really cool and chances are they'll think it's awesome. And if anyone makes you feel bad about yours, it's actually because they totally wish they could do it too. Here are some crazy-awesome weird talents that you'll definitely wish you had, too.

1. Eyebrow Dancing

You can't say you're truly an amazing dancer until your eyebrows can dance with you.

2. Crying Baby Impression

Ariana Grande is a multi-talented *queen*, but "crying baby impression" sure is an interesting skill to add to the list.

3. Singing with Your Mouth Closed

With this talent, no one will be able to tell you to shut up because technically your mouth isn't open.

4. Stacking Dice With Cups

Because throwing dice is so old school (obvs).

5. Extreme Pen Spinning

Good thing you can't do this or else you'd get in major trouble for poking someone's eye out while doing this absentmindedly in class.

6. Talking Backwards

This can either be really cool or really annoying depending on who you're talking to. Either way, this is an awesome talent to have as an icebreaker. "Hey, wanna hear what your name sounds like backward?!"

7. Fast Reading

This would come in handy when you left your assigned reading until the day before it's due. No prob... You can read at the speed of light.

8. Limbo Skating

This takes "How low can you go," to an unbelievably new level. You would be the default limbo winner at all times if you could do this.

9. Slow Motion Walking

Everyone wishes they could be part of an epic slow-motion walking scene because they're just so cool. Well, these guys can be part of their own slow-motion scene whenever they want.

10. Folding Your Legs Over Your Head

And any other form of general pretzel-like flexibility.

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