10 Simple Tips To Have Your Biggest Glow-Up in 2024, According to Life Coaches

Woman experiencing a glow-up

"Glow" is basically a New Year's aesthetic—literally and figuratively. In the literal sense, metallics and sparkles are often used in party decor and style choices. Figuratively, the idea of the calendar turning to a brand-new year can feel like a clean slate.

All the hope can leave you glowing. Appropriately, TikTok has decided glow-ups are officially "in." Videos with the term have more than 119 billion—yup, billion with a B—views. At an initial glance, many lean heavily into beauty tips and physical makeover ideas. But life coaches share the "glow-ups" of 2024 are far more than skin deep.

"A glow [up] is when someone intentionally decides to pursue a positive transformation in their mind, body and soul," explains Olivia Dreizen Howell, a certified life and success coach, clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner who co-founded Fresh Starts Registry. "Though it's often used to describe a physical change in the way someone looks, a glow-up begins with the transformation of self-esteem, confidence and a sense of worthiness."

Sound like an epic plan? Glow-ups can be life-changing by nature. However, change is hard (hence why New Year's resolutions notoriously fall by the wayside). Life coaches share tips for achieving (and maintaining) a glow-up in 2024. 

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What's a Glow-Up?

If you're here because you were today-years-old when you first learned of the term "glow-up," welcome. The idea of a glow-up started in the beauty and style spaces—but has since evolved.

"If you think about a physical glow-up, also known as a makeover, at its core, it’s about improving your natural features to appear as the best version of yourself," says Julia Billings, M.Ed., a life and leadership coach behind Motherhood Matters. "It’s a transformation that will enhance your strengths and reduce your weaknesses."

Enter the mental or mindset glow-up.

"A glow-up can indeed involve physical changes, but the most important thing we can do is focus on our mental health and mindset," says Aine Rock, an integrative life coach.

Billings says things like working on your mental health, shifting perspective, professional development and establishing healthier money habits all have glow-up potential.

"It’s all about internal growth and self-improvement," she explains.

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10 Ways To Have the Biggest Glow-Up in 2024

1. Re-evaluate your values

When working with a new client, Billings usually kicks things off with a deep dive into a person's values.

"Values are what’s most important to us and what makes us tick," Billings says. "They can change over time as we go through different seasons in life, which is why it is so important and powerful to re-evaluate them for a project such as a mental glow-up."

Start by considering a peak moment in your life and why it was special. Maybe you were free, in love or felt financially secure.

"Based on your story, identify three to five core elements that are your values," Billings suggests.

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2. Set smart goals and write them down

With your values in order, it's time to set goals that align with them. If you want to have a glow-up, you probably have some idea of how you want to transform. But Billings says setting vague goals is a common mistake.

"Instead of generic goals, such as...'I want to be a more positive person' or 'I want to be better with money,' try to get specific," Billings recommends.

Ask yourself: What do these vague statements look like in practice?

"For example, your goal could be...'By June, I will have fostered self-love by engaging in at least 30 minutes of daily self-care practices and activities that bring me joy and relaxation, such as reading, meditation or a leisurely walk," Billings explains.

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3. Find comfort and accountability in community

When you decide to pivot drastically, some people may be naysayers. Rock suggests surrounding yourself with those who provide support.

"Positive social engagement is key to emotional well-being," Rock says.

It can also help you stay accountable to your values and goals.

"Simply deciding you will do something is often not enough accountability for us, so find a system that works for you," Billings says, explaining that it's generally worth verbalizing your goals to a close contact. That person could become an accountability partner—or you could roll deeper with an "accountability pod" of people setting out on a similar path.

"Research shows again and again that the way we hold ourselves accountable heavily influences our success," she says.

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4. Get moving

Exercise isn't just a means to looking a certain way or maintaining physical health. It's mental too.

"Exercise boosts endorphins, improving mood and energy levels," Rock says.

No need to sign up for a marathon (unless you want to). The key is to move in a way that feels best for you.

"When you're seeking a glow-up, you want to feel good inside your body, mind and soul in a sustainable way—and movement that feels good to us makes a huge difference," Howell explains, adding that yoga, dancing and walking are all great options.

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5. Sleep

You may be so excited about your glow-up plans that you can't sleep, but rest is restorative.

"Getting more sleep is key to a glow-up," Howell says. "Sleep helps our bodies rest, restore and rejuvenate."

The CDC recommends adults get at least seven hours of shut-eye nightly.

6. Clean your room

Sorry to sound like your mom, but...

"When we live in a state of clutter, it can be visually chaotic to our brains and bodies and can cause our body to feel tense," Howell explains. "Remember, a glow-up is about pursuing a positive mindset that will lead to feeling good inside and out and making sure your space reflects that action is key."

So, get the clothes off the floor, ditch expired makeup, wash your linens and breathe easier.

7. Evaluate your personal style

This one isn't just about looks, either.

"The basis of a glow-up is feeling confident in your skin, and we need to make sure we feel confident in our clothing, too," Howell says. "I highly recommend taking an inventory of your clothing. What feels good on your body? Start becoming aware of what your mood is when you are wearing certain clothing and stick with the items that help you stay confident."

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8. Set boundaries

Billings stresses that self-care isn't just about candles and bubble baths. Boundaries are part of it.

"In the context of a mindset glow-up, maintaining sustainable boundaries is a crucial part of protecting your mental and emotional well-being," Billings says. "Setting clear limits helps you prevent burnout, fosters healthier relationships and allows you to prioritize taking care of yourself on your self-improvement journey."

Billings suggests identifying areas of your life that have you feeling overwhelmed and drained and learning to say "no" when necessary.

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9. Get help

A glow-up might be about self-improvement, but you don't have to go it alone. Sure, you can find an accountability partner and pod. But whether that tip helps you or not, you may find you need an additional boost from a therapist or life coach—and that's OK.

"A glow-up starts with your mental health," Howell says. "A therapist can help you uncover some of those cobwebs and untangle past stories. A life coach can help you with that forward-thinking action plan."

10. Celebrate your progress

A glow-up may mean significant changes to come, but be sure to acknowledge the little wins along the way.

"Celebrating your progress—no matter how small—reinforces a positive self-image and motivates you to continue," Billings says. "Remember, you’re in it for the long game, so making sure you set time aside to reward yourself and celebrate will keep you moving forward in your glow-up journey." 

Billings recommends reflecting on your progress and perhaps reporting it to someone close to you (like that accountability buddy). 

"Then, treat yourself to something special, like a dinner, special date night or something as simple as curling up with your favorite book," Billings suggests.

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The No. 1 Mistake People Make When Going for a Glow-Up

The biggest mistake people make when going for a glow-up? Being unkind to themselves about how long it's taking to transform.

"Glow-ups don't happen overnight, despite what the movies make us think) and we need to be patient with ourselves," Howell says. "We want the glow-up to be sustainable and long-term, and that means we have to take the time to establish new habits, new routines, new thought processes, and consider our mental health journey."

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  • Olivia Dreizen Howell, a certified life and success coach, clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner who co-founded Fresh Starts Registry.

  • Julia Billings, M.Ed., a life and leadership coach behind Motherhood Matters

  • Aine Rock, an integrative life coach