This $10 Self-Sharpening Peeler Is the Best Thing to Happen to My Produce

<span>Credit: Joe Lingeman/Kitchn; Food Stylist: CC Buckley/Kitchn</span> <span class="copyright">Credit: Joe Lingeman/Kitchn; Food Stylist: CC Buckley/Kitchn</span>
Credit: Joe Lingeman/Kitchn; Food Stylist: CC Buckley/Kitchn Credit: Joe Lingeman/Kitchn; Food Stylist: CC Buckley/Kitchn

For years now, I’ve been moving through life with a less-than vegetable peeler. But I didn’t even realize that mine was underperforming until I started using the Dreamfarm Sharple.

The idea behind this particular peeler (and you might’ve already guessed it based on the name) is that it sharpens itself each time it’s used, so you’re never left with a dull blade when it’s time to batch-peel apples or tackle a particularly stubborn butternut squash. 

First of all, I didn’t think it was even possible to sharpen a peeler. I just figured that once it dulled to the point of danger, I’d chuck it and buy a new one. But why would we treat a peeler as disposable when we take care to hone and sharpen our knives, season our cast iron skillets, and oil our wood cutting boards?

Granted, a vegetable peeler is a much smaller expense than the aforementioned kitchen tools, but there’s still no reason to buy something once and not maintain it.

Dreamfarm Sharple
Dreamfarm Sharple

Dreamfarm Sharple

$9.95 at Amazon

What’s So Great About the Dreamfarm Sharple?

Unsurprisingly, I was skeptical at first — I hadn’t perceived any issues with my current peeler, and the self-sharpening feature sounded like an unnecessary gimmick, especially when you consider the low $10 price tag. But I’m not being hyperbolic when I say this thing absolutely glides.

The Sharple actually has a safety cover that contains a small ceramic ball, so each time you open and close the cover, the ball hones and sharpens the blade. It’s actually quite genius!

hands shown peeling zucchini squash with Dreamfarm Sharple peeler over cutting board
Credit: Caroline Mullen Credit: Caroline Mullen

I didn’t think it was even possible to sharpen a peeler. I just figured that once it dulled to the point of danger, I’d chuck it and buy a new one. But why would we treat a peeler as disposable when we take care to hone and sharpen our knives, season our cast iron skillets, and oil our wood cutting boards? Granted, a vegetable peeler is a much smaller expense than the aforementioned kitchen tools, but there’s still no reason to buy something once and not maintain it.

The Sharple blade itself is also crafted from Japanese steel, and the brand assures it will never rust in the dishwasher, though a quick rinse under the faucet always does the job for me. And speaking of the blade, that’s editorial shopping director Jada Wong’s favorite part. It swivels so it glides over bumpy, uneven produce and doesn’t peel off a ton of flesh when you’re just trying to remove the skin.

My old peeler didn’t have the eye-remover feature, and it drove me up the wall every time I peeled potatoes. Although it was adorably retro and a pretty pastel green shade, in the end, it turned out to be quite useless between its dull blades and lack of extra features. The Sharple does indeed have an eye remover, and even though it’s part of the plastic body, it’s surprisingly sharp and effective.

hands shown peeling carrots with Dreamfarm Sharple peeler over cutting board
Credit: Caroline Mullen Credit: Caroline Mullen

Another plus: The Sharple is lightweight and slim, as the blade runs parallel to the handle (as opposed to perpendicular, like Y-shaped peelers). It takes up very little space in my drawer, and it’s easy to hold in your hand for prolonged peeling sessions. The safety cover also means I never have to worry about slicing my fingers open while rooting around in the drawer. The bold colors (lime greed, red, and black) also help with that.

Despite my initial skepticism, I’m pleasantly surprised that for such a small and affordable kitchen tool with a punny name, the Sharple has been as sharp, versatile, and easy to use as it gets — no gimmicks here.

Buy: Dreamfarm Sharple, $9.95