10 Reasons to Pick Up the Jan/Feb Issue of Bicycling

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

You’ll find dozens of new ways to shred the crap out of 2016
Want to be faster, fitter, or just have a sillier time on the bike this year? Our “We Dare You” feature will show you how to find new riding buddies, incorporate bikes into your wedding, build a cycling community, go bikepacking, start a ride streak, climb Mount Everest, make a statement, and just plain break the rules. It’s the perfect way to brace yourself for the cycling awesomeness in store for next year—easily keep tabs on all of it by subscribing to Bicycling!

You’ll find out how we roll
Looking to perfect your inside ride this winter? With our step-by-step guide, you’ll finally learn to ride rollers without swerving into nonexistent traffic or shoulder-checking the doorjamb. It’s easier than it sounds as long as you don’t try to work in anything crazy like a cyclocross dismount.

You’ll learn important facts about beer hand-ups and chain lube
Curious about how much cold weather lowers tire pressure? Wondering whether using only a rear brake is hurting your bike? Check out our ‘Ask Bicycling’ section, where we’ve launched some hard-hitting journalistic investigations into the big issues in cycling—like, “Why does my nose run when I ride?”

You’ll find out the fastest bike color
We’ve been arguing about this for years. And now, after researching the color of every bike used to win the Tour de France, we can definitively put the issue to rest. Well, for now, anyway—the second-place color has been closing the gap in the past few years.

You’ll meet your new morning ritual
A great cup of coffee can make you feel like your superhero powers just got activated. We worked with local roasters to create Puncheur, a dark-roast blend of 100-percent natural Arabica whole coffee beans that deliver a powerful yet smooth boost. Read more about it in our issue—or get some here.

You’ll find yourself identifying a little too closely with a comic strip character
Having trouble with your winter commute—primarily in deciding when to hibernate and when to get on your bike and HTFU? Joe and Yehuda, the protagonists from beloved webcomic Yehuda Moon, will help you make the call.

You’ll feel a little warmer on your own brisk winter ride
When calamity strikes her fat bike race through Alaska, Tracy Ross learns that sometimes it’s better to take it slow. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to cycle part of the Iditarod—but don’t want to experience the bone-chilling numbness that comes with a ride across the Alaskan tundra—you’ll want to read this first-hand account.

You’ll finally justify your bike patch collection
They’re all over your house, but beyond christening a new jean jacket, what are you supposed to do with them? The patch was once a badge of honor in cycling, and now it’s making a comeback. Check out our history of embroidered bike patches and marvel at the impressive patch collection of Walter Skrzypek of Falls Creek Outfitters.

You’ll read how to do a little good this holiday season
Bikes have the power to change lives in developing countries, where they serve as critical transportation to work and school. The Wheels 4 Life charity has donated 7,550 bicycles in its 10 years of existence. We’ve got some fun ways you can get involved, no matter where you live.

You’ll unlock the beekeeping secrets of Georgia Gould
Yep, you heard us.

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

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