The 15 Most Beautiful Shrubs to Plant in Your Yard

the butterfly in the photo is papilio xuthus, or commonly called asian swallowtail, which can be found in east asia and other parts of asia
the flower is abelia × grandiflora, which is a cross between a chinensis and a uniflora it is a rounded, spreading, multi stemmed shrub in the honeysuckle family the plant features clusters of white to pink, bell shaped flowers which appear in the upper leaf axils and stem ends over a long period from late spring to autumn flowers are fragrant
The Most Beautiful Shrubs to Plant in Your Gardenmagicflute002 - Getty Images

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Shrubs are the all-stars of your garden because they do it all: Attract pollinators, create screening and privacy, and offer brilliant splashes of color. Best of all, most shrubs thrive for years with little help from you! To give a new shrub a good start, make sure it’s suited for your climate (check your USDA hardiness zone here). Then pay attention to where you plant it: Does it need full sun (6 or more hours of direct sun per day) or does it prefer part shade (about 3 to 4 hours)? Don’t forget to water after planting and regularly for the first two seasons to help it get established.

Here are some of our favorite show-stoppers for every garden setting:

If you haven't planted flowering shrubs in your backyard garden, you're missing out! While annuals and perennials are essential in your garden, shrubs add another layer of beauty to your outdoor space. Flowering shrubs also attract pollinators, provide screening, and brighten up the garden with colorful summer blooms. Best of all, they'll live for years, so they're a great long-term investment in your garden.

Many new varieties of flowering shrubs have been bred to be more petite, so you can enjoy their colorful flowers even if you don't have a huge yard. The most important thing to remember is that you must choose a shrub that is suited to survive winters in your USDA Hardiness zone (check it using this USDA guide). Also, read the plant tag so you know what kind of light it needs. Full sun is considered six or more hours of direct sunlight per day, while part sun is about half that.

When planting, make sure you dig a hole about twice the size of the container, then place your shrub in the hole at the same depth it was in the pot. Backfill the soil, tamp it down well to remove air pockets, and water it well. Keep the shrub watered—but not soaking wet—for the first season because you want it to get well established. Give it a good soaking every few days (rather than a tiny amount of water every day) to help it establish deep roots.

Ahead, find a few of our favorite flowering shrubs that work beautifully in any garden.


The tubular flowers of this spring-blooming shrub are much loved by hummingbirds. The graceful arching shape looks wonderful if you give it plenty of space to spread. Reblooming types will bloom again sporadically throughout the summer.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 8

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best flowering shrubs weigela
Federica Grassi - Getty Images


The gorgeous blooms of camellias almost don't look real! This evergreen shrub flowers from late winter into summer, depending on the variety. Read the plant tag or description so you'll know what you're buying.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 7 to 10

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best flowering shrubs camellia
Elizabeth Fernandez - Getty Images


Just when you've had enough of winter, the bright yellow blooms of forsythia appear even before the foliage. This easy-care shrub makes a great (and inexpensive) privacy screen too. Look for a more compact size if you have a smaller garden.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 8

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best flowering shrubs forsythia
Khanh Ngo Photography - Getty Images

Butterfly Bush

As you might suspect, this fast-growing shrub attracts tons of butterflies and other pollinators. Newer types are not invasive, and they also are more compact, ranging from a foot tall to four or five feet tall.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9

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best flowering shrubs butterfly bush
Jacky Parker Photography - Getty Images

Shrub Rose

Roses aren't as finicky as you might think. Shrub roses are some of the easiest types to grow, and many new varieties are more cold hardy and disease resistant too.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 11

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best flowering shrubs shrub rose
Yulia Shaihudinova - Getty Images


Ranging from pale pink to deep purple, the conical blooms of this old-fashioned spring bloomer are intoxicatingly fragrant. Lilacs make a great hedge or accent and also attract butterflies. New types are more compact and rebloom throughout the season, so they're great for smaller gardens.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 7

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best flowering shrubs lilac
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Abelia has beautiful pink, purple, or peachy bell-shaped flowers in late spring. New types are more cold hardy. Plant it in a mixed border alongside perennials.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 6 to 9

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best flowering shrubs abelia
hmproudlove - Getty Images


Showy spring flowers in purples, pinks, yellow, and white pop against the glossy green foliage of this shrub. New varieties of rhododendron are more cold tolerant, but make sure it gets dappled shade.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9

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best flowering shrubs rhododendron
David H. Carriere - Getty Images

Rose of Sharon

In late summer when many other flowering shrubs have lost steam, this plant is in its full glory with pink, white, lavender, or even blue flowers that bloom well into fall. New types grow in a column (pillar) shape that's sized right for small gardens.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9

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best flowering plants rose of sharon
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This spring-blooming shrub has a mounded form with gracefully arching branches. Some types are low growing and work well as a beautiful ground cover too.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 8

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best flowering shrubs deutzia
Photos Lamontagne - Getty Images


This native plant has elegant arching branches dotted with clusters of creamy white or pink flowers in late spring. It's fast growing and can become quite large, so give it plenty of room or look for dwarf varieties if you're tight on space. Some types have beautiful wine-colored or golden-orange foliage.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 7

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best flowering shrubs ninebark
Mkovalevskaya - Getty Images

Crape Myrtle

Some like it hot! These lovely shrubs ignore the heat and bloom all summer long with frilly, vibrant flowers in shades of white, purple, crimson, or pink. Some types become small trees; others are dwarf varieties that remain three to four feet tall and wide.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 7 to 9

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best flowering shrubs crapemyrtle
magicflute002 - Getty Images


As the rest of your garden winds down, this little beauty is taking off. This sun lover, also called bluebeard, has charming blue blooms from late summer to fall. Plus, bees and butterflies love it! Plant it in masses along borders for maximum impact.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9


best flowering trees caryopteris


This reliable bloomer rarely needs your attention. New types maintain their mounded shape without pruning. Long-lasting clusters of red, white, or pink flowers offer beautiful contrast against lime green, deep green, or gold foliage. It's equally at home in mass plantings, as a low hedge, or alongside perennials.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 8

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best flowering shrubs spirea
apugach - Getty Images


This stunning shrub is one of the few plants that can be grown in almost every climate. You'll get three seasons of display: bright flowers in summer, faded tones in fall, and papery dried blooms that linger on the plant over the winter. These shrubs are categorized into types (panicle, smooth, oakleaf, bigleaf, and mountain) that have different needs, so read the plant tag before buying.

USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 10

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best flowering shrubs hydrangea
Gratysanna - Getty Images

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