10 Mocktail Recipes to Ring in the New Year (Without a Hangover)

Let me be the first to admit: I love myself a real cocktail. But I don't love the feeling that comes with it when I've had a few too many and have two tiny humans to chase around the next day. If you know what I'm talking about, try welcoming the new year with a mocktail recipe instead of a cocktail!

With all of the delicious flavors of classic cocktails from sweet and sparkling to smoky and bold, mocktails are the perfect way to celebrate without overdoing it. And whether you're sober year-round, hoping to cut back during the countless parties that December brings or simply need something new to try during Dry January, a mocktail is exactly what you need.

Check out these 10 creative and fun mocktail recipes to enjoy during your holiday celebrations from Christmas to New Year's.

1. Sparkling Apple Mocktail

Sparkling Apple Mocktail
(Photo: Nourish Nutrition)

Herb-infused cocktails are becoming increasingly trendy, but this by far is one of my favorite mocktail twists! Rosemary sprigs provide a subtle yet flavorful punch to the fresh citrus fruits that combine with sparkling apple cider in this delightful mocktail. Pair it with your appetizers for a refreshing delight.

2. Smashed Cranberry Mocktail

Smashed Cranberry Mocktail
(Photo: Nourish Nutrition)

Quite possibly my favorite thing about this recipe is it uses orange juice concentrate. What a brilliant, flavor packed idea to bring the classic OJ taste we know and love into a mocktail! Given it's a concentrate, there's more sweetness from the orange in a small, condensed serving size; you'll want to make sure to add a little sparkling water to make it into a mocktail that can fill a glass for those midnight toasts!

3. Rise & Shine On Mocktail

Rise & Shine On
(Photo: Provided by Wilderton)

If you haven't tried the new zero-proof spirit trend, here's your chance. I was just introduced to Wilderton, a brand rooted in the idea that non-alcoholic cocktails should be wildly flavorful, bold and aligned with an active lifestyle. Each bottle is handcrafted using raw botanicals including pine smoked tea, peppercorn, cardamom, bitter orange, lemongrass, rose and more! The Rise & Shine On is perfect for coffee enthusiasts who need a little caffeine boost thanks to the cold brew added in this fun and trendy mocktail!

4. Mojito Mocktail

Mojito Mocktail
(Photo: Healthyish Appetite)

If you haven't made your own simple syrup before, then this recipe is your inspiration to jump on that train! A mint-infused simple syrup shines in this Mojito Mocktail to bring that refreshing taste you've come to expect from a mojito, without the alcohol-induced hangover. But you don't have to limit that mint syrup to cocktails or mocktails alone; you can actually use it in multiple ways. My favorite idea from this recipe? Drizzle it over a fruit salad for a fun kick!

5. The Pomseitta

(Photo: Shaw Simple Swaps)

Seasonal and 100% fresh pomegranate juice provides the beautiful red hue that turns this festive beverage into something magical. This is a crowd-pleaser because it's made with POM Wonderful 100% pomegranate juice that contains no added sugar, fillers or preservatives, meaning it's a drink you can feel good about enjoying with your entire family, kids included!

6. Lemon Maple Sour

Lemon Maple Sour
(Photo: Mandy Enright)

The citrusy taste of lemon combines with 100% maple syrup, ginger ale and a surprise guest - egg whites - to create this one-of-a-kind mocktail. Add this to your holiday menus, and, I promise, it'll be the star of the show. Who could possibly resist such a winter-ready drink that's made extra special with that frothy snow glaze from the egg white on top?

7. Sparkling Pomegranate Margarita Mocktail

Sparkling Pomegranate Margarita
(Photo: Chef Sara Hass)

I'll be the first to admit I rarely can find a margarita that isn't too sweet! But this mocktail version hits all the flavor notes you'd expect from a true margarita, without any added sugar. Pomegranate juice paired with the fresh lime juice and lime-flavored sparkling water really makes this sweet sip shine. Pair it with a bowl of chips, salsa and guacamole, and it's almost like you're on a tropical beach getaway without even leaving your couch.

8. Lemon Cranberry Jalapeno Margojito

Lemon Margojito
(Photo: Mandy Enright)

What do you get when you combine a margarita with a mojito? A margojito! This sweet and spicy combo will hit all your fave flavor notes, especially when you taste the citrusy flavor of lemon shine through. While great on its own, it's perfect when poured into popsicle molds for a fun, festive treat as well.

9. Citrus Flower Sour

Citrus Flower Sour
(Photo: Provided by Wilderton)

The new zero-proof spirit trend shines through again with this beauty! Not only does Wilderton contain zero sugar or alcohol, but it's also free of calories and gluten, meaning it fits into many different diets. Pair this fun Citrus Flower Sour with your menu to really wow your guests, especially with the gorgeous (and edible!) flower touch.

10. Non-Alcoholic Holiday Rose

Nonalcoholic Holiday Rose
(Photo: Mandy Enright)

If you've wanted to jump on the rose train, then this is your perfect opportunity to do so while adding a little extra fruit into your diet while you're at it! Fresh strawberries meld with an apple infused simple syrup to create a sweet and fruity combo while a little bubbly (i.e., seltzer) is poured over the top to create that champagne like feel. Fill your glass and toast to the new year without worrying about the holiday hangover. Now, who else will toast to that?!

Want more mocktail inspiration? Check out our Mocktail Favs for more ideas to ring in the new year without any alcohol at all.