The 10-Minute Kettlebell Workout You Need to Try to Get Stronger in the Saddle

Photo credit: gradyreese - Getty Images
Photo credit: gradyreese - Getty Images

From Bicycling

If you have just a short amount of time to workout, try this simple 10-minute series that will give you a serious workout. Build muscle while boosting your heart rate with this simple two-move workout from trainer Jeremy Scott.

In the workout, which he recently shared on Instagram, Scott performs 10 kettlebell push-ups to deadlifts, a 50-yard farmer’s walk, and then repeats the two exercises as many times through as he can in 10 minutes.

“The goal is to be able to work through this non-stop for 10 minutes,” Scott says. To do this, your best chance is to maintain a controlled, steady pace. Don’t rush. If you need to take a short breather here and there, cool. Even with AMRAP (as many reps or rounds as possible) routines, the number-one priority should be quality of movement.

[Want to fly up hills? Climb! gives you the workouts and mental strategies to conquer your nearest peak.]

Choosing the correct weight is also crucial to your ability to keep solid form to go the distance, Scott says. He uses 53-pound kettlebells in this video, although most people should expect to go a lot lighter.

For the kettlebell push-ups to deadlifts, focus on controlling your descent into the push-ups, then using your hips and posterior chain to power the deadlift. Going into each deadlift, the bells should be directly beside the feet, with your knees bent only as much as needed to get your hips back and reach the bells.

For the farmers walk, keep your shoulders pinned back, core braced, pelvis neutral, and your eyes straight in front of you. Imagine there’s a string pulling you tall. Walk slowly and controlled, maintaining that tension.

If you want to tap into some extra grip strength benefits, make sure to grasp each weight tightly, rather than with the false grip Scott uses in the video. Squeeze your forearms and take each step with purpose.

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