10 Household Things You Should Buy in Bulk on Amazon Prime

You know it, you love it, you shop on it nearly every day. But did you know that Amazon can not only make your home shopping needs easier, but it’s actually cheaper than your local drugstore? Hidden deep within the millions of pages of products lives a Bulk Buying landing page that rewards shoppers for stocking up on regular household items (think Costco, but delivered straight to your door). You may already think to buy things like toilet paper or paper towels in large bulk sizes, but we crowdsourced our office of working women, moms and shoppers (New Yorkers, no less) to see what they stocked up on using Prime. Here are their brilliant suggestions.

RELATED: 28 Things You Should Be Subscribing to on Amazon


Ground Coffee

It’s a dark morning when the house is out of Classic Roast. Buy these Folgers tubs in packs of six, which usually run for about $8 each, and keep them stashed in your basement or garage fridge (you know, like any normal human would).

BUY NOW ($36)

Shower Curtain Liners

Do yourself (and any bathroom-sharers) a favor by having these on-hand to swap out before they get too unsightly.

BUY NOW ($25)


Don’t be naïve. You can never be too prepared.

BUY NOW ($41)


How long has that bathroom bulb been out again? Don’t put it off because you can’t find the one you like at your neighborhood hardware store. Order at bunch of your favorites so you always have these on hand.

BUY NOW ($22)


We can all agree that these are beyond annoying to purchase. But, since they generally run from at least $10 a box, this convenient three-pack lessens the blow (a little).

BUY NOW ($24)


We’ll be honest, we completely underestimated the need for these guys until we had kids. Dedicate a drawer in your kitchen or closet to batteries and always be prepared. (Oh, this toy requires eight AAA batteries? No problem.)

BUY NOW ($14)

Sheet Masks

Right now, you love your Sunday face mask routine. Multiply that by three? Pure self-care bliss.

BUY NOW ($20)

Cooking Oils

Raise your hand if you’re guilty of using random substitutes for olive oil while sautéing because you completely forgot to restock. Consider quality oils for a fraction of the price (and guilt.)

BUY NOW ($26)

Disinfecting Wipes

Because the limit does not (and should not) exist.

BUY NOW ($13)

Protein Bars

Buy these on Amazon for less than $1 a bar. You can thank us later.

BUY NOW ($15)

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